Ascension: The rise of G-dog

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Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.

- William Shakespeare -

Don't worry, I'm not rising from the dead in some sort of Halloween gimmick; that would mean I'm actually dead which, thankfully, I am not. I've still got too much to do on this planet before I check out: Donut and coffee eating, Lego making, sleeping and cuddling Cleo first amongst those things...Although, there's something that's taking priority this weekend and for that...I need to ascend.

My ascension this weekend will be by ladder and will only go as far as my roof; I know, it's not much of an ascension, but it's an essential ascension, one I've been putting off because of our unseasonably wet weather.

The last time I ascended, onto my roof, it didn't go so well. Basically, I fell off. You can read about it here if you want to.

I didn't die, but I can't go as far as saying I was totally impervious to the effects of gravity and the subsequent effects of crashing to the ground either. I got pretty fucked up to be honest, but I'm resilient, and on the weekend will ascend once more, and for the same reason. Gutter cleaning.

On the last occasion the doctor at the hospital, in all his wisdom, gave me some sage advice; don't fall off the roof. I know, it seems logical right?

I took that on board of course, and have that firmly in mind for my next foray to the dizzying heights of my roof. I'm also going to make sure there's someone else around this time, you know, to either break my fall, capture it all on video or call the ambulance or coroner, whichever is appropriate should I indeed fall. Of course, there's every chance of that person having to applaud and hail my roofly-magnificence should the roof-ascension, gutter cleaning and my return (safely) to the ground occur. I'm hoping for the latter.

I'm somewhat of a DIY sort of man. I'm not stubborn about it though, meaning if I deem a thing is too dangerous, beyond my skills or too important to simply give it a try then I'm happy to call in the experts and let them do it. I like turning my hand to things though, the planning, gathering of the stuff to do the job and the feel of tools in the hand...of course, there's that self-satisfaction of having done the work myself also. This is why I'm happy to risk life and limb up on my roof this weekend.

What's going on for you this weekend? Have you got anything planned and is it recreational or death-defying DIY like my ascension to my roof is? Feel free to let me know in the comments.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

I took the image in this post.

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