Hit the ground and roll

I didn't have the best of days yesterday; My last post delves into it and whilst it doesn't say much about the nuts and bolts of it the post says enough - Certainly all I want to say here on the blockchain on that particular topic...Although there's a little extra I can share that I didn't yesterday and figured I might as well today - Another stupid thing I did.

For most of yesterday I was working around my house, what else are weekends for? - It was all basic and general stuff. I've been recreating my firepit area after moving house, moved a few extra things from my other house and did some general clean-up including sweeping, a couple minor fix-ups and got up on the roof to finish cleaning the gutters...And there lies the issue; Me on the roof...Me off the roof to be more precise.


My image, taken in the Barossa Valley, South Australia

The set up

I use a garden blower to clean my gutters which means it has to be dry to do so; It's been very hot and dry lately here, typical end of summer where I live, and so I did some gutter cleaning a few weeks ago. The problem was that my big ladder, an item everyone should have, was at my other property meaning I couldn't [safely] get onto the roof. Yesterday I went to get it and I got stuck into the gutter cleaning in earnest.

It's pretty easy really, just walk along on the tiled roof right up near the edge with the blower on and the nozzle stuck into the gutter. The leaves and moss that builds up blows right out, and everywhere, and job done gutters clean. Of course it means cleaning up at ground level but that's done with the blower and broom and it's job totally done. It went well initially, I was powering through it until...You probably know where this is going right?


I was just getting to the end and there was a malfunction with my feet; I'm blaming the heat. The bright sunlight. The lack of sufficient fluids. The weight of the cordless blower. The next door neighbour. The wind. The roof. Anything but myself of course. Anyway...I fell off the roof and despite my desperate attempt to fly away and to safety like a kookaburra I didn't defy gravity at all. I hit the ground and the inevitable happened - It hurt.

As I lay there in agony contemplating life, gravity and why my wings didn't work I also wondered at the sense of getting up on my roof when there was no one else around. In hindsight it wasn't the smartest thing to do. Nonetheless, I lay there enjoying some reflective moments whilst I worked out how I was going to breathe again and if I'd die.

I managed to get up and get my bearings though, and find some breath. I looked up at the roof, at the ground, up at the roof, down at the ground, up at the roof...Come on, I was dazed, give me a break. It was right about then I realised I was still alive and couldn't work out how...I looked up at the roof, at the ground, up at the roof, down at the ground, up at the roof...And realised I was lucky to have fallen at a point where there's a retaining wall of about one metre high reducing the distance from roof to ground, and into a garden bed...Which will never be the same again...I was lucky. The reduced distance and softer landing was a blessing.

I went for a lengthy walk last night which was dumb but I guess I didn't feel too bad at that point. My hip hurt, I had a bump on my head and I felt like a fool...But otherwise pretty good...And I walked slowly.


Last night was horrendous though - No sleep, massive pain in my hip and back and a feeling that maybe something might be wrong. I put up with it all day, [typical dumb-ass,] then decided I'd have to get over my hate of hospitals and and get some x-rays. I did that this afternoon and have been told all is well, no broken bones and no internal bleeding. The doctor said I'd be sore for a while, and to take it easy; Easier said than done though.

Just as I was leaving the doctor advised me not to get on the roof unless someone else was there and when on the roof, don't fall off. It was pretty sound advice, I have to say. He also advised me that if I fell off I needed to hit the ground and roll which he said with a grin - Clearly happy to celebrate his own wit...Yeah, thanks doctor, great advice.

I'm not sure if I've learned my lesson...I mean, there's so many to learn. Don't get on the roof when no one else is around. Don't fall off the roof. Don't go for a long walk after falling off a roof. Learn how to fly better...Maybe even hit the ground and roll when one falls off a roof...So many lessons. In all seriousness though, had I not landed where I did I might be in some real trouble so I think from here I'll probably curb my enthusiasm for lone-roof-expeditions...And get some flying lessons too.

And now it's your turn...Have you ever done any stupid things? I could write a book about the dumb things I've done but I'd like to hear yours. Or, maybe you could lecture me about my roof-shenanigans...I'm not that smart so your lecture may help me next time.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

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