My home


One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time.

- Hermann Hesse -

As built up urban areas flashed by I felt anxious but not in an uncomfortable, negative, way. I was anxious and excited to put the city behind me and to place my feet upon familiar and fertile ground. The air is fresher there and as it fills my lungs it infuses my body with a feeling of being just that little more alive and I tend to tumble into the emotions and feelings of, well of being where I came from and where I feel like I belong.

I was in the Big Dog, my Landcruiser 4x4, and it ate up the miles with ease; the big V8 engine rumbled along as it pulled me farther along the road and the hum of tyres on the blacktop droned in counterpoint to the country music coming from the sound system. As buildings and the chaos of humankind's creation gave way to rolling hills of greens, rich browns and the yellow of canola fields my shoulders relaxed a little more and my foot released the throttle peddle a little slowing down my journey through the beautiful Barossa Valley...I know it as something else though.



I had no destination in mind, days like today are often better that way, but I knew I'd find moments of value and I let Big Dog carry me forward along the blacktop, and then dirt and gravel roads without thought. By the time I passed through Sandy Creek, not much more than a map dot, the little town of Lyndoch, Rowland Flat and finally Tanunda I was deep in home-mode and felt...well I felt comfortable I guess is the word.

With winter officially over and spring showing it's beauty already the region looks simply amazing. The vineyards are all pruned and wired ready for the growing season and and the crops are reaching for the sky. And speaking of the sky...Well, you can see for yourself from a couple of pictures I took today. It's a good time to be here, and I felt fortunate I'm able to do so.

The Barossa Valley is a very famous wine region with some of the best wines originating here, but it's not wine that brings me here, it's nature, fresh air and the sense of belonging I feel when I come back. Today was all about peace and quiet, seclusion and nature and as I turned down a little track I know well my mind shifted to the little creek at the end of it, the grassy banks lined with overhanging gum trees and a row of willows someone had planted many years ago - the sound of willow trees blowing in the slight breeze is like music, and I knew they'd sing me to sleep later as I lay back on a blanket soaking in life and nature.


Big Dog came to a stop and as the engine died the sounds of nature settled upon me.

I could hear the stream, the trees moving in the breeze, the swish of winter grasses and the trill of birds. I did the usual, an exploration of the area, tasted the water, I have a thing about tasting water, and smiled inwardly at the serenity and beauty I found in the moment. I loved being here because it was, and always will be my true home.

I'd brought along a picnic which I deployed after my creek exploration mission and I set out the blanket and food thinking a nice lunch followed by a snooze would be exactly what I needed. As it turned out, it was.

I kept the food simple: Cold cuts, cheeses, olives and crusty bread. There were beverages also, and I brought along an apple strudel, purchased at the German bakery in Lyndoch, for later. I had my JetBoil to brew some hot coffee also, but that was a post-lunch post-sleep thing.

Days like today fill me with happiness. There's not much to them, a little planning for lunch and some driving. Spending time, simple time, with nature and finding the solace and comfort through those simple moments is something I love. Being able to lay back and become pat of nature for a time is something very special, and doing so in a place where my life began provides immeasurable value. It breathes life into me.

I'm fortunate to have been born and raised in Australia, and double-fortunate to have been born and raised in this part of Australia - It's wholesome, natural places like this usually are and when I'm here I feel nurtured, welcome and a part of the area, intrinsic to it. I think it's a pretty special feeling, and I come back often to experience it.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

All images in this post are mine and are not for your use.

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