Lifting the lid: A look into my centre console

I was hoping there was something super-cool in there, but knew there wasn't...A selection of mundane every-day items was all I could present and, rather than strategically insert way-cooler things, I decided to show you what's really in the centre console-storage area of my four wheel drive.

This week for the #weekend-engagement topics week 145 post, found here, I decided to make one of the topics about what's in people's glove compartment or centre console of their vehicle. I don't generally write posts on any of my own topics but this one caught my eye and I figured why the fuck not?


That's the interior of my four wheel drive above. It's a Toyota Landcruiser VX (Twin turbo diesel 4.5L V8) and it's big. The size of that centre console demonstrates that I think. Considering my glove compartment is rather boring, just paperwork and my GAU-21, I figured I'd show you what's in the centre console so scroll down for the images and some brief descriptions and explanations.

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Above is three shots of the open console storage area. It opens in three stages (images left to right).

The middle compartment is a removable tray and you can see it removed in the right-side image above. As you can also see, I make good use of the space. It's a deep storage compartment and comes in super handy.

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I have a few personal care items like lip balm, dental floss and hand sanitiser, all of which are heavily used. (No, I don't floss my teeth in my car!) I also have USB adaptor to plug in various things when required and that's my money pouch (purchased in the UK a while back) where I keep small change for whatever comes up. There's some pens and a note pad as well, one never knows when a good post idea might hit right?

This isn't very exciting stuff, I know.

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That stuff above is a bit more interesting. I always have a spare set of Oakley wrap-around sunglasses in my console - one can never have enough Oakley wrap-arounds. I also keep a foldable multitool and cutlery set (complete with chopsticks) for emergency eating situations. (Hey, it happens!)

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Here's some cool shit. I have the foldable knife for, well you know, cutting things in emergency situations. I mean threat-scenarios folks...or when I pull a thread on come clothing of course. Like with all my knives, it's super sharp and I'm super-good at using it. The other item is called a marlin spike. That's a nautical name because the tool is designed for use on a ship (old school one) for splicing rope, untying knots, or to use as a toggle or handle. This is in my vehicle to do none of that. It's a handy self-defence tool.

These cold weapons - a weapon that doesn't involve explosive materials - haven't been used as weapons, but I'm a prepared man so...I'm prepared.

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This image above shows some batteries (they're always handy), my hand-held UHF CB radio and the hand-set for the UHF CB radio mounted on the car.

The hand-held radio is used outside the vehicle to communicate back to the vehicle, or with someone else in their own vehicle. When four wheel driving, sometimes the driver needs precise placement of the wheels (rutted tracks and creek-crossings and so on) and so the spotter takes the hand-held radio and talks back to the driver to guide him or her. It is also used in vehicle recovery/winching situations in the same way.

The vehicle mounted unit, (the hand-set plugs into the dashboard plug), is used for the purpose above or to communicate vehicle to vehicle when driving in convoy.

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Ok, back to some boring shit. I have the surgical gloves for a few reasons...first-aid use (handling blood) and to put on when fuelling up with diesel. I don't like getting diesel on my hands and diesel pump handles are often covered in it so the throw-away gloves take care of that issue. Getting diesel on the leather inside my vehicle isn't my idea of fun - it stinks.

I have some emergency food. This isn't meant to sustain me if I get stranded, I have other foodstuffs on board for that kept in the rear. This is in case I haven't eaten for a while and am not in a position to buy something. I'm diabetic you see. I have face masks although I could remove them as no one has to wear them any more, a small first-aid kit (and the knowhow to use it) and lastly some toilet paper.

Looking at my items I can see some things I don't need (face masks) and some things that aren't there which I'll probably add in. Having said that, I have a drawer system in the rear compartment below the onboard fridge/freezer slide and in there is a pile of other things, tools and recovery gear, emergency food and water and so on, so there's not many items I think I'd need to add to the console-storage inside the car.

That's it folks, a little peek into the centre console storage area in the G-dog's four wheel drive, called Big Dog.

If you have any questions or observations please comment, and if there's an item you think I need in there, suggest it. I'm already considering a bazooka though, so no need to suggest that one.

If you want to get involved with the #weekend-engagement concept find the topics, guidelines and deadline here.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.

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