Flying, trashing hotel rooms and going home


The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship.

- Amelia Earhart -

It seems every time I fly lately, it's raining.

I left home Sunday morning and headed to the airport; it was bucketing with rain and blowing a gale. Luckily I had the forethought to bring an umbrella for the walk to the terminal from the long-term car park though; I'm smart like that.

I parked my company car, taking note of exactly where so I'd not loose it in a week or so when I flew back in, then battled through the pelting rain and howling wind to get to the terminal. Remember that umbrella? Well, it came in handy, but was turned inside out so many times it was ruined. Throwing it into the nearest bin with disgust, I proceeded through security, a process I hate, and went to the airline's private lounge for refreshments whilst I waited to board. If you've ever been in there you'll know it's legit.

A little later I boarded and enjoyed endured a reasonable flight to Brisbane of a couple hours long. The first thirty minutes weren't all that smooth and there were a few shrieks of concern here and there, not mine, but overall it was fine. I landed, collected the company car that was waiting for me and headed to the hotel that would be my home for the next little while.


That's my room above in those images - a view to the right of my balcony this morning, and left from the balcony last night. You can see some of the city of Brisbane just to the right of the night-time shot. They booked me a hotel closer to work fortunately, so I've been able to avoid the city.

The room is clean, serviceable, and has it's own bathroom of course. There's a fridge, microwave, sink, tea and coffee facilities and a desk to work at, which is where I'm writing this post. There's also the worlds smallest bottle of complimentary wine. I'll probably drink it, get hammered and trash the room like a rock star one of these nights; the company can pay for it. That's actually a joke people, you know, like, it's supposed to be funny, not factual.

Work has been good so far. I'm here to visit the company's head office and learn their systems and procedures, meet the staff and generally be awesome. It's not been too difficult and I feel I'm making a good impression on the team and the few above me on the food chain.

I haven't been doing much after work and despite the fact is the company is paying for everything, including food and drinks, I've not eaten out. I went to the supermarket and got a few things for breakfast and dinner and have stayed in my room, or on the balcony, reading, Hiving and on the phone.

I think I'll head out tonight though, and maybe on the weekend too, have a look around and see what's going on.

I used to live in Brisbane for a short time and loved heading to Fish Lane in Brisbane South which is full of funky bars, cafés, restaurants, art and entertainment; a magnet for, and funky people. I'm not sure cool and funky describes me, but...I guess I have my own charms...depending on who is doing the looking and I'm sure I could fit in over there for just a little bit.

Other than that, this is an all-work sort of trip and I'm packing in as much as I can to make the best use of the time I'm here before flying home. Lone business trips like this can be a little boring when not actually working, lonesome to some degree, but I have my book, Hive and...wait a minute...why don't you come over! Let me know if you can and I'll buzz you up to my room and we can share that miniature bottle of wine and trash the room together like rock stars!

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own

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