Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 165/ BIRTHDAYS


Image captured with my phone 11 pro max


A big hug to this community @weekend Experiences

I identify myself with this activity organized by @galenkp because of the variety of topics it promotes. This time I want to participate in one that I really like: **Birthday** The main question is: Do you like to celebrate birthdays (your own or others') or not?.


I tell you, if there is something I love to do is to celebrate birthdays, my husband says that in my family everything is a celebration and he is getting fat eating cakes all the time. heh heh heh heh (laughs).


I don't force him to eat the cake, he does it on his own so the pounds he's gaining he's gaining quite willingly. Heh heh heh. Well, we celebrate every family birthday and I tell you, we are many members, imagine I belong to a family of 12 siblings without counting the children and grandchildren. Wow... we have a good time.

For a sample a button. In the pictures above we were celebrating the granddaughter's birthday, we did a double celebration, one in her apartment, and then we celebrated in a beautiful restaurant called Charlotte in the city of Maracay Venezuela.

In the following images, we are celebrating the birthday of my youngest grandson, just 1 year old and we had a great time.


The following image is the celebration of my youngest son's birthday, 18 years old, he is not very fond of celebrations and always tries to be a bit distant, but with such a bochinchera family impossible.


Sometimes we celebrate at home, other times we go on a trip and enjoy the beach as a gift to the birthday boy with his family. Here the enjoyment is nothing long and very good.


Why do I like to celebrate birthdays? I don't know why. Maybe it is because since we were children it was a common practice at home, so much so that we all waited anxiously for our birthday for the cake and the presents, there was always a present on the table.

Something if it is mail, these celebrations have consolidated our family relationship, we spent pleasant moments and long hours of fun.

All images were captured with my phone 11 pro Max.

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