An Adventure Is About To Begins

"Carrying you inside of me, means every day is another day closer to meeting the love of my life."

This is the most precious picture I have taken this year, it was taken four weeks ago. Capturing this magical moment was everything to me.

You can't imagine the bundle of joy in my heart when the doctor told us, "can you see the movement and the heartbeat of your baby?" I turned my face to look, positioned myself to see clearly, and oh! My God there he was, appeared like he was swimming inside of me, my little angel,developing inside of me.

I told my husband to make sure to capture every moment of him.


One Of The Photo Taken During My Baby First Trimester scan

Your baby is doing great, everything is fine, now you just have to continue to eat well, make sure you rest for the well being of both of you, Says the doctor.

The closet I have been to seeing such scan was in the movies, and I could only imagine how the couple use to feel only through the expression of smile on their faces each time I saw such a scene in a movie.

But, alas for me to witness this on this day was so precious and like a magical moment for me.

This is a song by Simi "A talented Nigeria Artist" she capture my heart here with her joyful soul, listen to it and I hope you enjoy every bit it too.

I had loved this song the very first time I listen to it and now is always on my repeat play mode. I will make sure to always play it for my treasure when he finally arrive🥰

For he is the treasures I have been waiting for,

"An adventure is about to begins"

Gift from God

It is said that, "Children are gift from God" and this gift I'm going to treasure it with everything I have got.

Thanks To The #weekend-engagement community for letting me share this special moment with you, and to all my hiveian friends.

Until we pump into each other again, enjoy your weekend and cheers!🥂

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