A Touch of Past and A Budget-free Weekend Getaway in Tabogon, Cebu Philippines.

Hi Hivers! How’s your day? I hope you are in good health. It’s me, the ordinary girl is back.
Today, I want to share how I enjoyed going to the beach without spending money.
As you reach adulthood, the weekend is a reward for doing better during the weekdays. Since I’m a responsible adult, I have a 5-day work from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday for me must be fruitful and enjoyable to have a motivation to work more.
Tabogon Cebu is a very convenient rural area where the mountains and seas are easily accessible.
The mountainous area and the seas are just a few meters away from the place where I lived. You can view nice places here while just walking or jogging in our place. Tabogon also has lots of tourist spots where you can enjoy, you’re stay here without spending so much.

As we decided to make the weekends worthwhile, we visited the beach near our place. The beach is just a few meters away and you just need to walk to reach the place. The beach has NO ENTRANCE FEE. Because it is the location of the people's livelihood, the beach is not yet developed. The place is commonly used by the people who live in the place, but others can access it for the reason that it is a public beach.
I remember when I was young, I used to visit the place almost every day during the summer. Children love the beach, and I’m one of them. During summer, my brother and I escaped the siesta time just to swim on the beach, and my mom would punish us. It was a very remarkable memory of my childhood.

It is like killing two birds with one stone to get to that location. For what reason? In addition to having a view of the beach, the stroll has worked your body. Since the location is close, my usual outfit consists of a T-shirt and shorts with a towel.





On this day, we agreed to be there early in the morning where the place is not yet crowded with the local people and the tourists. Since weekends also are the beach time of the people.




Going to the place early, you can capture the beautiful scenery on the horizon. The serene view of the sea beckons you to go swimming in the saltwater.
As we arrived, aside from the people who lived in the place, I and my husband were the first people to explore at that time.
My husband automatically got pictures of the place and I usually acted as a model.

Eventually, I love how I reminisce and enjoy the present. As an adult, my weekend became fruitful as I visited the beach which was full of memories.

Thank you for taking the time to read the blog of an ordinary girl. I hope you enjoy my blog today. If you want to see beautiful scenery, and places, do not forget to follow, and continue supporting me.
This is me signing off. See you on my next blog hivers.

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