Embracing New Moments Into Memories

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A pleasant day to all, co-Hivers. I'm back once again for another blog to post. This is one of another exciting part or moment for me because I have to enjoy my weekend just in this moment! Well, I wouldn't make a blog for this since our travel is just simple, but because this place is new for me, I decided to make it one. Whatever and wherever it is, I hope I would enjoy it!


First of all, there's no way I couldn't go without wake up in the morning and eat some breakfast. I did some exercise before doing my morning routines; washing my face with half bath, eating my breakfast, brushing my teeth, fixing myself and lastly, READY TO GO! Looks like I have haggard face and lack of sleep but it's fine, I still have a lot of energy to make my day fine.


Well, I already met my juniors and looks like its just the three of us. I wonder where are the others?


Yehey, we've already multiply! We are resting for awhile first before ready to go to our destination!



We're ready to go! For my blog today, we're having a rides now with motorcycle, or tricycle, rather. I didn't expect it was far, far away. 🤧 On our way, we passed few buildings, common old and new houses, trees, subdivisions, plains and more. I can't count places we'd passed because I was sitting at the motorcycle, so I just captured few photos to travel. To estimate the kilometer of the road, I think it would be 70-80 km, and another 10-20 to reach the destination. While travelling, I just felt a little coldness so I felt we're almost near.


Looks like we're literally almost near because not only I've felt more coldness but I also saw the boundary sign a while ago named KINUTKOT.


So here we are right now! WELCOME TO THE KINUTKOT RESORT!



I wonder this would be a kind of curious so let me allow to describe this new places I've went. Seeing this place, KINUTKOT RESORT is a kind of hideous place but surrounded with few houses. To enter this place, you would pass the plains and sugarcanes. This place was not a big as expected, but you can feel coldness if you will stay near the pool. The pool has two divisions, as usual; the adult pool and kiddy pool. It was also surrounded with grills. I wonder where it was but maybe it is for the safety purposes. The cottages there, as you can see, made bamboo leaves and trees. This is also a fine cottage for me since I've already encountered to go on a outing while sitting on this kind of cottages.

Before we proceed to swim in the pool, our seniors told to proceed at this place first because they're preparing few games to all of us.

Lucky for me, I didn't join because I already know what games are they're preparing. I would rather take a picture for my blog.


Now, the game was started. The first game they played was called the Longest Line Game. For a short description/mechanics regarding with this, there would be two teams to play this game. Each player of the team must roll themselves ten times, then once it is done, they will run to the base (which is the bottle with a kalamansi on top) to prick the calamansi, put it back to the top of the bottle and then go back to their team so that the next players of each teams will do the same, until all the players of the will finished playing this games. As to end this game, the team who would be the first to finish will be considered as the Winner.

Anyways, I've almost burst into tears and laughter in this game because one of the player was rolling like a drunkard after they've finished rolling ten times. Of course it would be a laughable moment but I don't know if I should laugh at my buddy that time or not. 😭


The last but not the least game they played was called Eat What You Get. For this description/mechanics, still, each player from the teams must to this two people at the left side. Of they wouldn't know about the food inside the small paper bag and once they're done picking the food they've got, like it or not , they must eat it. As to end this game, the team who would be the first to finish will be considered as the Winner.

The game has now ended. Well, time to go to the pool to measure it!





After the game and rested for awhile, me and my buddies decided to change our clothes into a swimming outfit. Before went to the pool, I take a bath first to make myself wet at the small shower beside it. As I step into the water, my body felt cold, but I didn't mind it. Instead, I felt happy because I've got satisfied to the measurement of the pool. According to my instincts, the adult pool (on the first picture) measured 4-7 feet, which makes me happy to go to deeper and practice my breathing under water. The other two pool, which was the kiddy pool (I guess) measured just only 4 feet which was already enough and satisfied to all the kids and the people who don't like or afraid to swim in adult pool to swim on it. The rest of the pictures I've captured was the grounds and other cottages I've explore in this resort. Simple but beautiful, isn't it?

Well, I'm not literally an athlete swimmer, but I know and not afraid how to balance and swim myself into deep pools, even in the sea.


The rest of the moments after this was enjoying in a poll with my buddies and seniors, playing volleyball and swimming also in a kiddy pool. At nearly noontime, we decided to have a lunch because all of us are already hungry. Our food was simple but many that I could eat all of them. Still, I was satisfied because it was delicious.

I'm charging my phone that time so I didn't captured it.

After lunch, I rested for while while other of my seniors and buddies went back again to the pool to swim. I planned to go there but I noticed one of my buddies in the karaoke machine, trying to insert her money. Missing that memories in singing, I went to help her. She also told me to pick a song on a songbook so that I could also sing. I give it a "go" singing I haven't sing for a long time due to my busy days and staying at home. We starting singing while eating some extra foods that we have for our lunch. Since I've only choose few songs because the songs there in a songbook are composed and sang in 90s until 2020s and I just only know few songs. When it wasn't my turn, I went to swim again in the pool with my seniors and buddies, playing a volleyball and then went back to karaoke to sing again. We still enjoying in staying in this place until afternoon time.

During this moment, I've got a bad feeling when we're swimming in the pool because there's a girl, who currently join us in playing volleyball, went to out cottage or pool back and forth just to follow one of my juniors she's interested with. Well at first, it's just fine with us but when she keep doing it, we've found it a little creepy. 😭



It's afternoon time, and now it's almost time to go home!

After a few minutes of swimming in the pool, we decided to change our clothes now and fixing ourselves so that all of us are now ready when it is time to go. Finished changing and preparing myself, I sat for a while in a cottage, reading some Wattpad in my phone since I got bored. Others were still swimming and others we're starting to change themselves. When they're almost done, we've rest for a while. Then we started to bring our leftovers since there still foods that haven't eating.

Looks like they're craving for the leftovers! 😌

Anyways, we're heading home now. So I guess that's the end of my blog today. I hope you'd enjoyed and created your moments and memories ahead especially for those students like me who were still on a vacation, enjoying themselves.

That's all for now, Hivers! See yah again for my next blog... ✨💞

PS: Photos are mine unless it's credited. 

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