Chasing my dreams.


Most people have dreams. Some of them are smaller like a single spark. And some a huge like a blazing fire. But not all dreams are lit enough to shape reality. Only those dreams that become goals can do that. I tend to chase my dreams even if some of them are unachievable or stupid. But sometimes my dreams don't depend on myself. Just yesterday I watched a basketball game of my favorite team. At one point they were losing by insane 27 points. But I still had a naive dream of victory. I was shocked, surprised and I could not believe my favorite team actually made that historic comeback and somehow won the game.

But returning to the subject of chasing my dreams. One time I liked a girl from another country and hoped to meet her at Bangkok during Hivefest. I was broke so I made a art piece as an entry for any potential art contest on Hive that would have tickets for Hivefest as a prize.


I did not win any contest and never met that girl. Looking back this dream was foolish and doomed from the start but despite that I still tried my best.

I want to be the best I can be at making my art even if I will likely never be the best at selling my art. To achieve this goal I have tried to use different materials and mediums. I want to improve so I have made many pieces despite not having much luck selling them.



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The other dream I have is growing my account in Hive. I try to post content daily and I think that I have not made any true shitpost in few months. Also I have bought both Hive and HBD. I still have a long way to go because I don't think that I can ever have enough Hive and HBD. Still I am working towards my goals day after day. Let's keep on dreaming and struggling to achieve those dreams.

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