Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 171 -SMOKING

Today once again I am participating in the Topic One:- What are your personal views on the habit/addiction of cigarette smoking? Write about your experiences for or against it and discuss the topic in general competition organized for week 171 of Weekend Experience.

In my opinion, smoking cigarettes is a very bad addiction, once it starts in life, it is impossible to get rid of it. smoking it for a long time has very bad effects on health, sometimes a person may get cancer, asthma, tuberculosis, and many heart diseases.

The biggest thing is that the people and family members who come in contact with the person who smokes cigarettes automatically become passive smokers, they have to inhale cigarette smoke into their lungs even if they do not want to.

Many times, very young children of chronic cigarette smokers suffer from some unknown diseases due to their carelessness.

In our country, smoking has now been banned in public places, and warnings about the problems caused by cigarette smoking are also written on cigarette boxes.

I myself was a chain-smoker till a few years ago, and used to smoke 40-50 cigarettes a day. In fact, one of my female friends told me in my youth that she found people who smoke very smart and attractive.

Just that day I smoked the first cigarette of my life, and then I started getting addicted to it. There came a time when I became so addicted to smoking that cigarettes were kept everywhere in the dashboard of my car, in my office bag, in my office drawer, in the rack of my house.

So that I can get cigarettes whenever I need them.

In this way, I smoked cigarettes continuously for about 25-30 years, then one day it happened that one of my senior officers was very allergic to cigarettes, the cigarette smoke coming out of my room used to reach his room and he had a lot of trouble. One day he himself came to my cabin and requested me not to smoke cigarettes as it was causing me a lot of trouble.

I assured him that from today onwards I would not smoke in my cabin, and to fulfil the assurance given to him, when I felt the urge to smoke, I came out of the cabin and went out to the ground and started smoking.

Due to this, my habit of smoking cigarettes started decreasing within a few days and then one day I took a firm decision and quit smoking altogether.

I myself felt that after quitting cigarettes, there was a lot of change in my health, I became much fitter than before and I also started saving a lot of money.

Now I do not find it appropriate to say anything in favor of smoking cigarettes. Apart from the disadvantages, I do not see any benefit from its consumption. It is only an addiction and due to the nicotine present in it, the brain becomes focused for some time. That was it.

But many harmful chemicals released from cigarette smoke stick to the lungs of those who smoke cigarettes for a long time in the form of tar, and gradually the lungs become narrowed.

And the person has difficulty in breathing. The speed of blood in the arteries slows down and oxygen reaching the brain reduces.

Many people in the country die due to diseases caused by cigarette smoking.


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