Way to gratitude

private or public recognition
On occasions you help others, or do positive things for them, do you like or expect public recognition or do you prefer private thanks or gratitude. Explain why in any case, and give an example.


Picture https://pixabay.com/illustrations/covid-19-coronavirus-virus-covid-5064282/

This incident was in May 2021. I myself was working in the medical department and used to tell/advise everyone to keep a distance of at least 1 meter from others, wear a well-fitted mask over their mouth and nose, and keep their room safe. Keep windows open, cough or sneeze into a bent elbow or tissue, clean your hands frequently, get vaccinated as soon as it is your turn.

All these precautions have been taken by myself and other members of the household. However, in May 2021, my wife got Delta, the second version of the coronavirus, while both of us, husband and wife, had vaccinated both doses of the vaccine.

The delta version was a variant of the WHO classified concern and was the dominant version at the time that it was circulating globally. The Delta spread more easily than earlier strains of the virus and was responsible for more cases and deaths worldwide.

My wife underwent all necessary pathology tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, and CT scans, and it was discovered that her oxygen saturation had reached 52 per cent. And her lung infection has increased to 70%.

Immediate treatment was initiated, but due to significant breathing difficulties, our personal doctor advised that I admit her to a nursing home; otherwise, her chances of survival are very less.

At that time, the city was full of such patients. There was no proper system to admit patients to any nursing home or hospital. Paramedical staff and doctors were battling with overloaded patients. I knew that my wife would not be taken care of properly if she was admitted to any nursing home or hospital. So I started treating her at home.

But her oxygen saturation was falling, and it was a matter of great concern. Then, with the help of God and the recommendation of a doctor friend of mine, I got an oxygen concentrator, and I immediately took it home and put oxygen on my wife.

My wife's oxygen label increased for 12 consecutive days with the help of that concentrator, and then her oxygen label reached 72 per cent. A normal person's oxygen level is estimated to be 75%. And her health kept on improving.

I was impressed by this incident. It came to my mind that if I had been helped, then I should also help others. So, with the help of some of my friends, we purchased ten oxygen concentrators and advertised in the newspaper without giving our names that if anyone was in need, they could obtain this machine for free from this place.

A friend of mine gave his services to run this system whose address was given in that advertisement, and we gave benefit about 300-400 patients from it.

I believe that in this society if a small help/effort of yours do good to someone, you should not hesitate to do it because if this calamity is on someone else today, it may come on you tomorrow. That's why God made us humans.

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