My priority is my family.: WEEK 203

¿Do you give more priority to your relationships or your career?

It all depends on what relationship we have because if we are just boyfriends or we live together without children by mutual agreement, the total priority must be the career, our goals and dreams, but if we want to start a family we must take raising our children seriously When you build something and You see your relationship as a project for the future, the priority cannot be other than the family, otherwise it will be a total failure because we are not committed to everything that that entails. I think that at certain times we have all neglected the relationship directly or indirectly because the work or project that we have involves a lot of time that is life and we stop sharing with our partner and our children, but everything we do is with a single objective of having a better quality of life, but many times we have to pay the price

this led me to remember the other day talking to a neighbor who is a housewife and has 3 children, she told me that she was disappointed because her husband only worked and they no longer had intimacy, that the relationship was no longer the same and had cooled and on the one hand she can understand it, but on the other hand her husband is a man who works from morning to night and she has her house and her car and her children are in the best schools, she lacks nothing and work at home is very important, but not seeing all the effort that her husband makes seemed selfish to me there are people who believe that money grows on trees I said to her and why don't you work and your husband stays at home and she looked at me a little surprised and many times we suffer a lot when people do not meet our expectations and then we feel abandoned and not valued and all that comes from inside false beliefs that we have built over the years other people are not here to make us happy or to meet our expectations they are here to fulfill their goals and dreams and try to be happy.

We must also understand that the relationship is between two people, it is not the fault of one or the other, it is the fault of both that we communicate. In addition to having our individual priorities, the relationship must also be within those priorities and be willing for both of us to make changes in our lives so that the relationship works. Now, if one of the parties does not want to do it, then the best thing to do is to stay single, because, unfortunately, many times people decide to think more about themselves and not to pay attention to their relationship, this is why many relationships fail.


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