Waoooo, its another beautiful weekend.πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ I'm @fab-tay and i welcome us to weekend-engagement 195 on this @weekendexperiences community and i commend @galenkp for the great job he is doing week in - week out in this community. For this weekend engagement, i will be writing on my favourite time of the day and my favourite time of the day is early morning which is between 3am to 7am. As widely known and accepted, the day is divided into three (3); morning, afternoon and night and on the 24hrs daily schedule, the first 8 hours (12am-8am) is my favourite most especially 3am-7am which makes the early morning. Right from childhood, my love for early morning began as i wake up early in doing household chores, do family devotion and get set for school which helped me in being punctual at most times. I discovered over the years by experience that i am most active and i get things done easily early in the morning and this is attributed to the calmness of my body i enjoyed after waking up, serenity of my environ as everywhere is still and calm which prevents disturbance/distractions and my relaxed/refreshed body system. I leverage on this to do most of my academic studies, reading, write-ups early in the morning which really helped me alot even during my undergraduate studies. Early morning for me gives me the opportunity to have my personal devotion to God in prayers and in studies as other times of the day are busy for me with various activities and engagements. Also, i make plans of my daily schedules this early morning as this helped me to maximize my day so well and to be productive. I have found out that a planned day is a well maximized day all things been equal and there is no better time to plan for each day than the early morning. In addition, i do enjoy early morning personal rearshals as a keyboardist 🎹 than at other times of the day even as i do using my personal keyboard to score songs and rearshe. As someone who engages the Hive platform, early morning has been of immense advantage to me in getting somethings done. As wisely said: "Early to bed is early to rise", therefore, i eat and sleep early at night to be able to rise up early in the morning. Richard Whately said: "Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it", therefore I believe mornings are important and to me early morning is more important as it marks the beginning of a brand new day and may determine how the day goes hence needed to be maximized. In all aspects of my life be it in religion, career, in family life, in academics and so on, they are all impacted positively by my love for early morning. Thanks for reading and i hope it's worthwhile. Comments are welcomed. I wish us a restful weekend.


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