
It's another exciting weekend here at the @weekendexperience community, it's always a joyful time for me, waiting earnestly for the weekends to come most times after a stressful week filled with excess activities, so I look forward to a weekend to relax, breath and share some of my experiences and engage some fun times with my pals here....

#saturdaysAreForWEDDINGS crowned my weekends cruising as I had some of great times at the wedding ceremony of my friend and brother @Andyekwere as he wedds his home coming bride,@treasure ... attending the wedding wasn't a stress for me cause it was held in the same city were I reside, meanwhile some of my other friends had to travel from others state here in Nigeria to attend of course it's long hours of road travel to get here...

The wedding ceremony started at around 10 Am CAT, once at the venue, the church procession started after an hour later the bride and groom were issued in an all the wedding session went on smoothly Thereafter we all proceed to the reception venue


@LivingSpring Hotels a large hall fully furnished, well decorated with ribbons colo-of-the-day linen, lights, quality sounds system, fully air-conditioned and very spacious, the view was breath-taking and fantastic, well before that We had to stop outside an take Photo's with some friends...I had stayed here for almost a year and I've missed a lot of friends so this wedding was like a kind of a reunion meeting some folks spend time after wards


The dance procession was on that issued in the bride's train and groom's men then the bride, the groom came in as the whole Crowed danced and cheered the newly weds coupled, the MC was one of a very funny guy he really made every one laugh so had, he handled the occasion with grace, the meals were good every guest were well entertained with good drinks and food.


After the wedding reception I had some chit-Chat hangouts and it was a good time, it was a good way to kick start the weekend,


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