2 Million Streams on Spotify

***Celebrating on another occasion ***

Today marked the day my Spotify streams reached the 2 million mark. How lovely it was that earlier in the day I was at the pool with my mom, my brother and my sister-in-law to celebrate this past week.

***2 Million streams ***

Yesterday we were also together to listen to the radio broadcast in South Africa, where it was announced that my latest song, a collaboration with 3 other artist and produced by myself had entered the Top 40 at Number 1 - it doesn't get any better than that. Thank you God

What a winning weekend for me then to see this next milestone on my Spotify report. It doesn't seem long ago that I reached One million streams and now I have two million. I am so grateful to my followers and to all the people who are downloading my songs and adding them to playlists.

Today, at the pool Giannis from the Coffee Bar played some of my music. That too, was a blessing.

My thanks to @melinda010100 who has put up a contest / competition up on the Hive community FreeCompliments- Please give it your support and send in a celebratory picture. It's a really fun contest. You may even find your entry in our next music video.

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