Ghost For A Weekend

God knows I have always wanted to know secrets. It will be more fascinating to know secrets on high technologies, how certain things are manufactured , but I'm also tempted to go find out the truth, the truth about everything we've been told and are made to believe. Turning a ghost mood will be the greatest of all gifts,not because one will become all-knowing (finding answers to things that's hidden) but because you will not be deceived as others are, when others nod in approval, you already know their masterminded plans .

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If I could ghost for a weekend, walk through walls,appear in every location, etc. For a weekend, there's a lot I'll do. It will be a restless weekend for me as I travel to almost every part of the world. I'll collect their various cultures and see which among the cultures adopted by people have made them prosper. The habit or culture I consider to be prosperous will become the habits I'll practice afterward. I may travel around on Friday and gather information about the various cultures and bring to conclusion which habits are adopted by certain countries to practice while on Saturday I will be walking through the walls of manufacturing companies to learn the secret on how to manufacture smartphones, how to work with Microsoft, and how to build certain equipment.

Finally, there's a lot of things we've been told. Sometimes I wonder if all we've been made to believe was a lie. The histories about fossils, the creation of many technologies, their motives in the initiation of new technologies (the artificial intelligence, 5G, the Metaverse, etc.) . I'll go into an ancient library and see for myself if all they've given us as history exists and see how exactly these technologies are made- what's behind these strings of words that make it respond intelligently. I'll go through hidden books believed to contain top secrets and know for myself. The world might be a mystery to 98% of people living in it but there are 2% of people who understands both the spiritual aspect of it and the physical. I'll discover such people and learn more wisdom about this world we live in . The weekend will be a week of gathering information that will enhance my life when I'm back to normal and can no longer Ghost.

This is my entry for weekend engagement[Week 121]

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