Weekend day, time for rest, enjoyment and church

After an very calm and quiet flight, without turbulence and delays, as well as great options for renting a car (maybe I seemed like an experienced driver to the agent at the agency counter, which I really am, so he handed me the keys to a brand new car) , I was grateful to God for all the moments we had while coming on vacation.

The weekend days were a little cloudier, so instead of being on the beach, we spent time sightseeing.

On Sunday we visited Tossa de Mar, a seaside town with a phenomenally preserved fortress. I shared the pictures of that tour here.

As we walked through the city, I thought it would be nice to stop at a church, light some candles, pray for good health and thank God for a nice arrival in Spain.

It was Sunday, the day when we normally go to church, so why not visit the church in the resort.

When we were considering where to travel and when we chose Costa Brava, a visit to the famous monastery of Santa Maria de Montserrat also came to mind.
I listened to the experiences of others who visited this monastery and personally saw the Black Madonna at Montserrat sculpture.
I thought it would be nice to see that sculpture live, touch the sphere that the Madonna holds in her right hand, and walk through the monastery that dates back to the 9th century. But... The length of the road from where we are staying to Montserrat, as well as the bad weather conditions for touring the mountainous region, disrupted our plans.

That's why I was very happy, when in Tossa de mar, in the church of Sant Vicenc de Tossa, I saw a reproduction of this saint.

The beautiful cathedral in the small square of Tossa de Mar appeared in front of us as we exited the narrow street.

We entered the cathedral and unlike several we have visited here, we found the interior well lit.
Beautifully decorated vault of the cathedral, on the gallery above the entrance door, the organ, and on the sides of the cathedral, small chapels.

And in one of them, a statue of the Black Madonna.

I was also interested, in the restored clock mechanism in the church tower, which gave way to a clock of newer technology.

After a tour of the church, in the chapel intended for lighting candles, with a prayer for good health and a nice continuation of the vacation, we walked a little more through the streets of Tossa de Mar and returned to our hotel.

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