Slow Down Time, Even For An Hour Each Day- WE101

Slow or Fast?


"Oh man. I'm so tired. I've been at it all day, from 8am to 3pm. I just have this last pile of notes to go through and I'm done. Oh but I'm very tired. Maybe thirty minutes of rest won't hurt."

Okay. I decided to begin this post that way. If you read that up there fast, kindly go back and read it again, this time slowly. What's the likely outcome of what will happen when I sleep for thirty minutes?

Scratch that question.

What do you think will happen if it were you and you decided to sleep for "only thirty minutes?" (emphasis on "only")

Come on, don't be shy. Let's all be truthful. It'll most likely be that instead of waking up happy by 3:30pm and be like "alright, nice nap, I'm ready for more," you'll actually end up opening your beautiful eyes to behold your clock and BOOM, It's 6:00pm.

Father time will be like

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This kind of things gets me all the time and makes me question WHY TIME IS.
Think about it. Even the lazy people would want to have more time to be lazy.

If I had the power, I won't stop time forever. Oh most definitely not. All I'd want to do would be to slow it down.

Have you all played the game Prince of Persia? or maybe watched it's movie Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time?
Man, would you look at that dagger. Just imagine having an object- maybe not necessarily a dagger- that with a push of a button you could slow time down. I'd be living it up.

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Time is a gift but it's also running out. The problem is we don't have time at all. I wake up, I do chores, prepare, start work and learning, take care of important stuff and before I know it, the day's gone. Then I look back at the day and be like "what was that all about?" Most of the time, it's like there's no time for what I have to do, talk less of what I want to do

I'd also look back at my schedule and be like "okay, okay, read for an hour, do chores for two hours, write a post on Hive for two hours, work for 5 hours... hold on, something's missing from this schedule. Where's my life?"

So yeah, slow down time? Yes please! Really. I need it. I always wish for time to just go slow. Apart from time for work, I need a lot of time to rest and I don't know, maybe just get lazy and eat honey or something.

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So why would I have it that time be much slower? Maybe I just want to relax more, sleep more, go out with friends more and essentially live life to the fullest. I am human. You too are human and I'm very sure you long for more of those too.

So yeah, that's basically it. That's my response for this contest. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you.

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