Family Outing at Muabog Beach on a Sunny Sunday


Hello Hive! How are you today? I hope all of you are doing well. Last July 7, 2024, which is Sunday, the entire family decided to go to the beach for the farewell party of my niece Meme. It is the only day that we can get together because some of the family members are working from Monday to Saturday.

My niece Meme and our relative Macky

She will be going to Arizona. One of the states in USA for her new job. She will be working on the country as a teacher in elementary school. She will be staying there for three to five years, and we do not know yet when she will be coming home that is why we spent more time altogether on the beach with her before her flight trip.

It is not easy for all of us that she will be thousands of miles away from the family, but we support her dreams in life and whatever good things can help her grow holistically.

Our cottage

We only have simple preparation. On that morning, my brother and sister in law prepared the famous Filipino pancit (Noodles with a lot of meat and vegetables), grilled fish, pork adobo, soup of a native chicken with lemon grass and green papaya, rice, boiled banana, and soft drinks.

After preparing all the foods, we ride a tricycle and some of the family members were riding the multicab (it is a small car) of my brother while some were riding their motorcycle going to Muabog Beach.

My eldest brother is on the side, watching the kids while swimming

The kids were really excited since morning. They wake up very early and expecting to go to the beach right away and swim on the water. The family went to the beach around 11 o’clock after preparing everything we need.

While others are busy swimming, my other niece is also busy collecting small stones and shells

When we arrived at the beach, we eat lunch together then went swimming after. I only ate grilled fish and the soup of a native chicken because it is my favorite, and the dish also tastes good. The kids enjoyed the day so much. They swim and climb on the big rocks then jump. That day is a good sunny Sunday because the water is calm and not too many seaweeds floating on the water.

The native hut where the family stay

There is no entrance fee for going to the beach, Muabog Beach but you must pay for the chalet if you choose to stay on the cottage with galvanized roof. There are different designs of cottage on the area. The cottages on the left side are for rent while the rest of the native hut is free for everybody. My family stayed on the free cottage.

I live on the area of Barangay Muabog, a barangay which is part of Tabogon, Cebu, Philippines near the boundary of the Municipality of Borbon, but it is my first time to visit in Muabog Beach that time. My mother did not allow me and my brother to go on that seaside when were young because it is a little bit distance from the place where we live.

When we heads up, we can see the street and the vehicles passing by

The beach is just near the road, and it is very accessible for everyone. However, the area is elevated. You need to walk downward to the beach and walk upward going back to the street. Honestly, the place is not suitable for those people who have problems or difficulties with walking.

The path going to Muabog beach

While walking to the shoreline, I was mesmerized by the sky and the big houses near the vicinity.

There are lots of colorful fishing boats on the area

There are also lots of fishing boats on the beach area with different colors and design. Most of the coastlines in our place are private property and some of the owner of the property no longer allowed the local people to swim and no longer allowed the fisherman to park their boat on that part that is why there is a lot of fishing boats in Muabog Beach.

The Landmark of the beach. A gigantic rock on the center.

There is a huge stone on the center of Muabog Beach. It is the landmark of the beach. The enormous rock looks like a giant ship. According to the old people in the area, the giant rock is a boat ship from another world. It belongs to the fairies and other creatures from another world. Nobody in the place dares to remove or break the gigantic rock.

The private cottage. You will pay 500 pesos or 8.56 USD per day

Beside the cottage where we stayed, on the left side is private property that is why if you choose to stay in their cottage, you will pay 500 pesos or 8.56 US dollar. Why choose to pay for the cottage if there is a native hut in the area for free.


My family stayed on the beach until late afternoon because the kids still do not want to be out from the water. There is nothing to worry also on that time because it is already low tide. I did not swim. I just watched the kids while enjoying the seawater. I can see on their faces how happy they are on that day.

The whole family went home around 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Since we still have leftovers from our lunch, we ate the food before going home. After taking shower with fresh wate, the kids fall asleep.

That would be all my weekend experience. Thank you for reading my blog and for having my back. Take care and always love and enjoy life :)

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