Weekend-engagement topic week 192 one current popular thing in our society that annoy me

Good evening all happy Sunday, am happy to be among the living one's and to be part of this contest, you are all welcome to my blog. Sorry my camera is faulty just manage what you see, I'm trying my best to change the phone soon.

Is there something currently popular in society that really annoys you?

money ritual makers or Sharp , sharp money Maker's

It has became so popular in our society especially the youths, everyday youth are tripping in to the act of cultists just because they want to because feel among.
They forget the consequences of getting money in a bad way.

The boy of yesterday is riding a big car and he is still a student,, where did he get that kind of money from not only that he has build a mansion and all we know about him, was, he is still in University, even his friends or parent can not tell how or what he is doing to get that kind of money he is giving any how as if he has money tree in his house.

Is act is seriously getting out of hand and is pissing me up, there is this recent one that just happened when is time for him to renew his vow, he tried to give his father but unfortunately for him he failed and that leads to his madness.

But yet others have not learn their lesson they are still tripping in because they see others making it and them too want to feel among.

Why does it annoy you

1 Because It makes our youth so lazy, they don't want to stress their hand or body before making it and which narrow their thinking faculty, thinking living is all about money making not impact.

Life is all about impact, what will this world remember you for, when you are no more?

2 it makes our youth wayward, because they money gotten is not from correct source, that is how is being spent for bad things such as humanizing, smoking, drinking and so on and so forth.

I wish there should be a way out so has to get our youth back again, youth that are main to change our nation or society are there lavishing their life in cultism all in the names of money rituals without any impact.
All pictures are mine
Thanks for your time

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