My Treasure Is Always By My Bedside/Table

Hi everyone hope your having fun, it's beautiful this day on my side happy Sunday to you all.

What's on my bedside and table

My Bible and my jotter is one of the things I kept very close by my bedside, I love reading my Bible early in the morning everyday because that is what kept me going without any set back, the bible is one of the best selling book in the world today, life can not be complete without God, it is always at my reach so I can read at all time.

On my table is another Bible and some novels that I always read for my personal life, it has been my habit that you can't come to my room and not have what to read.


first reason why I kept my Bible close to me is that who ever you give your ears to will always influence your life, and whatever comes into your heart first each day has greater impact to your life, so the first thing I do each day is my Bible reading, in other to reflector of what I have being studying.

Secondly: it gives me directions for each day, the Bible is one of my secret for my everyday life, it always keeps me calm, one cannot be stranded when you have the word of God first each day.

Thirdly : my jotter is always with my Bible because each time as I read my Bible I always write down the inspirations I received, and actions I have to make for my daily life including how to go about my day to day business for each day

Forthly : the novels I kept those books on my table for my personal consumption, it help me to learn from people experiences which makes me to have zeal when it comes to novel, i called it my second teacher.

My Bible, jotter and novels are very useful to me that is why I kept them close for easy access.

All picture are mine.

Thanks for stopping by do have a wonderful Sunday.

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