Goodness me.

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I wouldn’t describe myself as a good person exactly, though I did once help a blind person cross the road.

I’ve lied and cheated, but only in dealings with authorities, which I see not only as my right but as my duty. My strict moral code does not apply to government scoundrels and their lackeys, and though I try to keep engagement with them to a minimum, it wasn't always possible when I was in business.

A guy I was employing as a messenger boy once asked me if he could work under his friend’s name, Christy Kinahan , instead of his own, as he was having some strife with the tax authorities. I didn't really care what he called himself as long as he did the job. That was until the Garda Special Branch paid me a visit, asking how it was that I was employing Ireland’s most infamous drug dealer as a messenger boy. I had to do some fast talking that day, I tell you!

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My neighbour once told me that I'm not civic-minded because I don’t apply for licences and permissions for such things as keeping animals and erecting structures on my land, and because, to avoid the census taker last year, I didn't open my gates for two weeks.

I don’t give to charity since, years ago, a friend of mine started his own with a couple of lanyards and some collection boxes. He made quite the packet collecting on Grafton Street at weekends. Neither do I give to beggars. I mean, anyone can sit down in the street with their hand out. Buskers I always support unless they're playing a number by Bob Dylan.

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On the other hand, I do try to facilitate those who ask for my help. I've loaned money to many people, most of which hasn't found its way back, but I suppose that makes me more of a stupid person than a good one.

To my credit, I am kind to geriatrics and animals, though not so much to children, the little blighters. I once surreptitiously pinched a child in a cafe who was screaming blue murder, just to give her something to scream about.

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine for over 40 years told me I was a good person. I did get her into Bitcoin at five thousand euro though. So there’s that.

Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking 'Would you desribe yourself as a good person and if so explain why'

The photos are my own but do not necessarily reflect my opinions.

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