A Productive, Fun, and Fulfilling Weekend

Hello, once again my dear Hive friends. Have a nice and blessed day to all. Sharing with you my productive, fun, and fulfilling weekend engagement.

When the weekend comes, I always feel happy. Why? This is when I can relax from my teaching task and have time to do some home chores like washing clothes, gardening, and general cleaning. On the other hand, if I had some reports to comply with or some unfinished tasks during workdays, I also went to school. Furthermore, when our BCBP community has scheduled activities, I will also attend and divert my stressful mind from the work scenario.


School ground of the school

Last weekend I visited the school of my second child to attend the PTA meeting. For every PTA meeting, my husband would attend or the two of us. I was the only one who attended that day since my husband was on fieldwork. As parents, this is one way of showing our support to our children. By attending meetings in school our children felt that they were cared for and valued too. I remember my elementary and high school days when my parents did not attend our PTA meeting, I always cried. I felt that my grades would be deducted. Hahaha! But my mother said it's because my father got angry when my mother attended the meeting, so sometimes my mother will no longer attend. For me, I don't want my child to experience what I have experienced. Therefore as much as possible I will do my best to support my children.

The meeting started very late but I arrived early because I didn't want to be late. Many issues were tackled. Of course, the school fees and contributions are always part of the meeting as the main agenda.


It was almost noon when the meeting was adjourned. After the meeting, I went home hurriedly to continue my unfinished work which was the enrolment of my learners in the LIS. Unfortunately, the internet connection was lost due to system maintenance.


Front yard of the school

After finishing my home chores that day, I just attended to my cellphone to attend to some queries and take note of some announcements. After a few hours, I got bored and even felt stressed. So what I did was I went to the barren land near our house where we installed a badminton net. It was a timing since my two nephews and my youngest daughter were also playing. So, I joined and had fun with them.

Why I Play Badminton

I indulge myself in playing that day because I'm stressed, and worried at that time. Playing is one way to remove your mind from some worries or make you alert and respond actively. Our body muscles will strengthen and become flexible. This will also improve body balance and coordination. Of all the sports badminton is the only sport I like to play aside from table tennis. Why? It's easy to play not and as risky as other sports.

Facilities needed in playing Badminton

  1. Badminton Net
  2. Badminton Racket
  3. Shuttlecock
  4. Open field

How to Play

This will be played by striking or hitting the shuttlecock with the racket to pass over the net. There are various strokes used in hitting the cock and these are underhand, overhead, backhand, and forehand. I am not a master of this sport but at least I tried and I'm learning too.











I enjoyed playing the games with my 2 nephews and with my kids. They also enjoyed and had fun too. All my worries were relieved and I had a fulfilling weekend.

That's all for now. Thank you and see you again in my next blog.

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