RE: I'm Retiring

Not wrong, clubbing is not for everyone but calling it retiring is a little bit too much πŸ˜‚ this is like sending a kid to a trial class and then the kid decided school life doesn't fit, so the kid stops going.

I wasn't so lucky back in my early teenage years. I was in a band, and everybody is smoking. I took it as peer pressure and started quietly not only practicing pentatonic scales, but making hoops with cigarette smoke as well. It wasn't that bad initially as I only do it during the band meetups. But then later, we going out more often, sitting at the mamaks for non musical discussion, and we "had to" continue smoking in front of other people. It's not a ritual thing, but keep smoking at public places just goes to show how "natural" we are πŸ˜‚

Before I know it, the habit of finding that after taste slowly eating into my lifestyle. It's like every morning the first thing waking up is finding cigarettes, take a puff with or without a girl sleeping beside me.

I'm not encouraging you to become a smoker. Been there, done ALL that for many decades. Smoking is a totally unnecessary thing in our life. However, whisky is just another beverage. I see them as two different addictions. The only problem is, I have the habit of having whisky on my left hand, and cigarettes on my right. Ever since I have stopped smoking, my whisky doesn't taste as good as they were πŸ˜‚ I don't remember how I used to put myself on the ground or driving my car up the wall anymore. Life became so miserable, without those miserable things that make my days miserable 🀣

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