The heart of a man plans his way,” says Solomon, “but the LORD establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). We are to plan in the here and now, but we can do so in the confidence that the Lord is acting in our lives and in our circumstances, calling us to His purpose.

Gene Edward Veith Jr.

A banker, a teacher, or a blogger.jpg
source edited using canva

As little children, we were always asked what we want to be when we grow up. To be sincere, I've always never had an answer to this question not untill I was 10.

I keep hearing my friends discussing how they want to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, but I've never for once joined the conversation maybe because I knew little or nothing about all the professions or maybe because I just wasn't inspired by any of these professions.

However, my mindset changed after I visited the bank with my dad. I was just 10, and we were on our way to the market to get some items when he decided to go do some transactions in the bank. I had to go in with him and that visit alone triggered my desire of wanting to become a banker.
I couldn't sleep all through that night after the visit. I just wanted to know everything about bankers, and as inquisitive as I was, I didn't fail to ask anyone who cared to listen, questions regarding everything I needed to know about banking profession.

The way they dress on suit and tie, and the way they speak with so much politeness was a very big motivating factor for me. My desire of becoming a banker increased when I was told they were paid good salaries, and they live a comfortable life. I believe everyone wants to live a comfortable life or is there anyone who doesn't want to live a comfortable life?

I was already dreaming and seeing myself going home with a fat pay, enjoying what the bankers are enjoying, and living so comfortably. I so much wanted the dream to come to pass but unfortunately for me, I never knew there were unseen things involved, not untill I became older.

I know of so many people who were able to achieve the dream they had from childhood and I was praying, wishing and hoping mine would be like that of those who attained their dreams. I guess that wasn't the plan of God for me since my dream of becoming a banker never saw the light of the day.

I decided to study Economics with the dream of becoming a banker in mind since it's more advanced than banking and finance, accounting, and others related courses. All things being equal, I became a graduate of Economics but, instead of finding myself in a bank, I found myself in a classroom teaching Economics for senior classes.
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I became a teacher instead of the banker I've always wanted to be... Funny right??..I ended up not attaining the goal I prayed and worked so hard for.

How Did This Happen?

I guess I will have to blame it on the lack of job opportunities in my country, and also on the fact that favouritism and nepotism are the order of the day especially when it comes to employment in my country. I applied for employment in different banks and companies immediately after my graduation. I applied for more than 6 years and was never successful.

After 6 years, I knew my dream of becoming a banker was already gradually crumbling since all my effort to get a bank job was unsuccessful. I wasn't getting the job not because of my result though, but because the country has decayed so much to the extent that only those who have connections gets the job and since I have no connection, there was obviously no way I could get the job.

I couldn't bear staying at home anymore and begging for money from my parents before I can take care of myself. So I applied for a job as an economics teacher and fortunately for me, I got the job. It was not funny at first because that was nothing compared to wearing my suit and tie and working in an air conditioned office space.

I'd never thought a time would come when I would have to teach in schools instead of working in a bank. I've always seen myself as a banker and never as a teacher, but I guess destiny had other plans for me.

What if I tell you I'm no more a Teacher?... Funny right?

I lost my teaching job during the COVID-19 pandemic and since then it has been tough if not for Hive that came to my rescue. From having a dream of becoming a banker to becoming a teacher and now, I am a blogger. To be sincere, I never saw this coming but what can I do?

I really don't know if this is the last bus stop for me though. I don't know what the future holds, but one thing I know is that I'm so prepared and ready to embrace whatever the future throws at me.

This is my entry to the first question asked by @galenkp in the weekend posting topic prompts organized by the weekend community. Click Here to be a part of it.

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