[Week 120] Weekend Experiences: The green weekend.

It's a pleasure to greet you and post again in the community after so long, it's a lot of fun to participate, and my inspiration has been the first topic: Green Weekend.

On Saturday 17 I was with my family looking for a place where I could breathe fresh air, observe nature and do some exercise, but it was complicated to go to a more distant place, so we decided to go to a club or sports center that is in an area near my residence.

Own photos - Android Win.

Another objective was to take some pictures and videos, but not everything happened as I expected since some areas were closed, when I arrived I was impressed by the soccer field, it was very green and nice, there were also some kids playing a game, this field brings back memories and I love the main grandstand, first and second division games have been played there and players from different national teams have trained there when visiting the city, since I was a kid this soccer field has always been one of my favorites, what I didn't like was the track, since it was a little neglected.

It was also disappointing that the park was closed, the swimming pool was under maintenance and the softball stadium was closed, I was interested to see it since it was the venue for the Pan American that was recently held in Guayana, but we still had a good time, my son wanted to play soccer when he arrived, but I stopped him because it was an official game of minor categories, and then I took the opportunity to ask about classes or how to join the team.

Own photos - Android Win.

Afterwards we took some pictures and sat under the trees in the green areas, then we went out for a drink, it was fun, as we took the opportunity to walk around and at the same time watch a soccer game, luckily the store we went to was nearby and there they offered us a drink with chocolate topping, then we went back home.


It was fun to participate and remember these experiences, if you want to participate you can do it from the link: @galenkp/week-120-weekend-engagement-concept

You can check the location of the sports center from the link: Google Maps

In this way I say goodbye, I hope to meet the expectations and be to the liking of those who read this publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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