
"The obsession is one of the greatest qualities of success. Obsession leads you to become extraordinary."
*- John D. Rockefeller-*

In many books, they tell you that in order to achieve something or excel in something, you have to be obsessed with it. What do I think about this? Today, I'll talk to you about two of my obsessions, one from the past and one from the present, and what I've learned from them.

Let's start from the back to the front.

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with school. I enjoyed getting good grades, standing out, and being one of the top students in class. The strictness at home played a part in this, as it was instilled in me.

My parents were recognized and accomplished individuals in their respective fields. They were what we now call workaholics, and without much awareness, I thought I should imitate that, that they were my role models, and anything below that was a complete failure.

This obsession led me to spend over a month in a hospital bed when I was 15. The stress had consumed me.

I had stopped eating, enjoying time with my friends, being an ordinary child who plays in the afternoons after doing homework, to become a machine focused solely on getting good grades and performing at a much higher level than the average students my age.

My grandmother, who is no longer with us, sat by my bedside and had a conversation that would change my life. At 15 years old, I realized that one day school would end, and even if I had the best academic record, no one would give me back the time I had lost.

That conversation, at just 15 years old, made me reflect for days and made me realize that I had to change. My grandmother also dedicated herself wholeheartedly to this task. On weekends, when we were together, she only allowed me two hours of study per day.

Of course, my grades dropped a little, but my quality of life increased significantly.

It's impossible to describe how I felt from Monday to Friday when I was obsessed with school. The weekend was unnecessary for me. While other children couldn't wait to go back to school to see their friends, I couldn't wait to continue competing for the highest grade. Luckily, I had someone who helped me realize what I was missing out on.

Years passed, and I stopped worrying about my grades and focused more on what I was learning and, above all, on living each day to the fullest. Seeing myself in a hospital bed at such a young age was a harsh wake-up call for me.

My curiosity about the world and my country grew immensely. I loved reading, but since I had to stay away from school books, I would read my father's work-related brochures or the neighbor's history books. This sparked my curiosity about places that were out of reach, the farthest corners in distance.

On other occasions, I've said that I love to travel (who doesn't, right?), and that's my BIGGEST obsession right now.

So much so that I created a business to continue traveling and showcasing the island to other people.

This obsession with traveling replaced the previous obsession. When the weekends arrived, my grandmother took me and my sister to places far from where we lived, and that's how we got to know the entire city and the neighboring provinces.

During vacations, my parents took us even farther, and I got to explore almost the entire country.

To some extent, we are all obsessed with traveling, aren't we?

In my case, I count down the days until the weekend arrives, so I can go out and discover new places or revisit old ones, to experience new sensations, new experiences.

One of the best things that has happened to me in life is replacing my past obsession with my current one.

Today, I can proudly say that I'm obsessed with traveling within my country. Initially, I needed a suitcase to travel, but now, with just a backpack and my water bottle, I can go to the ends of the earth.

In recent years, this obsession has grown, especially because I know that one day, not too far away, I won't be able to enjoy these views, these experiences, those coffees in the middle of the countryside.

Far from being sad about leaving my country and its landscapes behind, what I have done is increase the frequency of my travels to absorb all the knowledge and experiences possible.

When the day comes for me to leave, I know that I may never see these landscapes again, but I won't be sad because I will travel to other places that will teach me new things, and who knows, maybe I'll apply them in my homeland someday.

Today, I am very happy with my obsession. If in the past I felt repressed, and it led me to a hospital bed, traveling has made me grow, discover, and take an interest in a part of myself that I didn't even know existed.

Being obsessed is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you are comfortable with that obsession. Even if the world judges you, even if no one understands you, if that obsession makes you happy, then it's worth pursuing it. However, it's important to maintain a balance and not let the obsession consume you or negatively impact other aspects of your life.

Obsessions can be powerful motivators and can drive you to achieve great things. They can push you to work harder, learn more, and excel in your chosen field. However, it's also important to recognize when an obsession becomes unhealthy and starts to have negative consequences.

In my personal experience, I've learned that being obsessed with something should not come at the expense of your well-being or the things that truly matter in life, such as relationships, personal growth, and happiness. It's important to find a healthy balance between pursuing your passion and taking care of yourself.

I would really like to know what you have to say about this topic. Many say that becoming obsessed with something is not good, while others, as I mentioned earlier, believe that obsession is the starting point to achieve it. What do you think? Are you someone who becomes obsessed, or do you prefer to go with the flow?

Feel free to comment on whatever you like. It's always a pleasure to interact with you, my dear reader. See you in the next #weekend-engagement.

The photos used for this article are owned by me or my partner for exclusive use in this post

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