
This weekend marks the end of my holiday break (end of the school year). On Monday, I'll be back to my routine of classes, stressful shifts, wasted hours, and everything related to medicine. This year, I'm starting fifth year (which, to my surprise, will only be one semester of classes; the next one will be sixth, and by mid-2025, if the world allows me, I'll be a doctor 😁).

As you can imagine, this weekend I've had to prepare everything related to school and Hive, of course.

On Saturday morning , I had to go out to pick up my uniforms. No, don't worry, luckily I didn't have to buy them because otherwise I wouldn't have a uniform. I just had to collect them from my grandmother's house, where she was fixing them for me to use this year. I haven't gained or lost weight, it's just that from wearing them so much and their "good quality," they have stretched, so they needed some adjustments.

These uniforms have been with me longer than my partner πŸ˜…

Well, I went to pick them up, and after struggling with transportation (2 hours of travel for just 11 km), hearing everyone complain about the country's situation, seeing some sad and tired faces for the same reason, I walked a bit along the Malecon (highlight of the day) and arrived at my grandmother's house, mission accomplished! I had my uniforms. Now it was time for the return trip.

Back home, I had to find out which rotation I would start with, but in my career, nothing can be normal: As of the time of writing this article, there are less than 12 hours left before classes start, and my university hasn't announced where we should report. Most likely, I'll wake up and have to run to the place they assign me. After five years, you get used to it (there's no other choice, either).

Before arriving home, I stopped to buy some donuts to bid farewell to the holidays. The best decision of the weekend

Well, in the comfort of my home, I had to align my Hive calendar with my school calendar and, above all, with the shifts. I learned this from Estilo Viajero.
When I started working at Estilo Viajero , I didn't have a system when it came to Hive, and I was quite disorganized (in fact, I was going day by day with my posts), so I couldn't manage both things, which prevented me from continuing with my publications for almost 3 months. Luckily, I learned my lesson, and today, I'm much more organized than I was in those months.
After several hours of planning and aligning shifts, articles, classes (or rather, making them not coincide) and checking everything a thousand times, in the end, everything fell into place, as they say in Cuba (well, at least for the months of January and February).
Sunday started calmly until the power went out, and I had no choice but to get up and figure out how to spend my time. Luckily, I had my book nearby (it's a history book, quite fascinating; we'll talk more about it in another article)
When the power came back, I could continue with what I had planned... finishing organizing important matters related to Estilo Viajero, postponing some trips for reasons beyond my control, contacting new managers, and other tedious things that are too boring to mention (I've already bored you enough so far, I hope not). And at night, it's time to go... to paZillo to start the semester on the right foot 🍻

Don't judge me, it's a tradition we've had for semesters, and it has worked out well for us, so there's no reason not to do it.

Now, going back to Galen's question, what would I rather be doing? Well, it's simple: I'd choose what I was doing last weekend read about it here

But wait, weren't you complaining about it last weekend?!

Indeed, even though I was complaining last weekend about not being able to enjoy a few hours in Varadero, this weekend I would give anything to be in that tedious meeting.
Working on my business, working with my team, is one of the things I enjoy the most nowadays. So if I had to choose what to do, that's what I would go for.

Let's be honest, read the article , and you'll agree with me that working during the holidays can be a bit tough. But between working in Varadero and planning the school week, what would you choose? If I could hop in a car and go, I would do it without a doubt (but we're in Cuba).

Although I love and enjoy my medical career, Varadero is Varadero.

The truth is, I would choose anything over having to plan my school calendar. It's not because I'm lazy, but because my professors have led me to feel that way. (Read this article, although I know you won't.) Let me tell you, there's a terrible trend in Cuban education, where teachers are so demotivated that they transmit it to their students. This happens in medicine too. My professors are among the best in the country, but they don't have the desire to teach.
With this situation, you can imagine that I'd rather be in any remote destination of this country than in my classes.
I've never liked the last weekend before classes (Is there anyone who does?). It's that moment when you know it's coming, but you wish you could freeze time so that nobody even mentions it. That's the state I find myself in right now.

But tell me about you... What's the routine you follow before the start of classes or work? Do you have any advice for the post-vacation syndrome? How do you make the most of those last days or hours of your vacation?

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