With Whom Shall I Share It?


Romantic night, spa bath, dinner for two, drinks by the fire, in a log cabin within the woods…there’s only one obvious answer to whom I’d share it with.

Fifteen years of marriage, five kids and hardly any time for romanticizing.

Keeping that flame lit is important for any marriage to survive. I yearn for more quiet still romanticism in my marriage. That time alone away from it all focusing on just one…my amazing husband.

The noise of the hustle and bustles of life makes it hard to focus on nurturing our relationship. Sure, we do the at home movie nights, massage sessions, special hidden ‘for parent only’ desserts but how often do we get away?

Not enough.

This would be an amazing night of being lost in the woods.

Yes, lost.

We’d lose track of time and won’t feel guilty. We’d get lost in every moment and won’t care to know what’s happening around us. We’d lose the worries in our minds and focus on each other. We’d be lost in true love and won’t find our way out of it…lost.

This would be a night to remember, a night we wouldn’t want the sun to rise at it’s normal hour but skip a few to allow us more time.


The smell of scented flowers all over the cabin and the warmth from the fire will set the mood for some needed quality time. It would be a good time of rest for my spouse as he works so hard everyday to provide the things we need. A nice foot massage as we reminisce on the past years together and where we would like to see ourselves in the future.

No rush, time is still.

No others to take care of…just the two of us for one night…reliving those nights before we became parents.

The calm and quiet are so loud that each heartbeat is heard. Each breathe we take is intense and the passion of our commitment speaks through the flames.



Stuck in a dimension of love we drift away in our world of new moments and new memories made.

We take advantage of this needed getaway as we know we must return to the parent dimension…back to life, back to reality.

The reality of little time, little rest and little sanity.

Goodbye scented waters, goodbye dinner for two, goodbye champagne, farewell cabin, goodnight woods.

Thank you for such a night to remember.

This is my weekend engagement post initiated by @galenkp. If you haven’t participated in one of these yet I hope you do soon. He always provides fun prompts and ideas for us to post about. Need a weekend topic, no problem at all, this community has it covered ;)

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.

Thanks for Reading ~

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