Weekend Activities

Hello friends and Hivers. Let me give you my weekend activities. Saturday didn't involve too much, kind of a rest day to the most part. Sunday I decided to do a few things.


I got up early Saturday no surprises I usually do. The big thing I had to do was get Watson into the vet. I did this first thing when they opened at 8:00 a.m. He was getting a skin infection on his back so I had to get him into the veterinarian. I didn't take vet pictures because Watson was very uncomfortable and looked sad 😢 The veterinarian gave us some antibiotics and we left with a not so small bill. What do you do? Love has 4 legs too. Pets are part of the family and they need are attention.

This picture of him was taken right before I put him to bed. He was already feeling better after the second dose of his medication. I didn't do much today just watched a little College football with him. Hey the Georgia Bulldogs won, not my team but maybe Watson's team, haha. He did sit at my feet and seemed to show interest in the game. I don't know why but I felt exhausted early and was in bed by 7:30 p.m.


Sunday, I woke up at about 5:00 a.m. whoops 4:00 a.m. due to Day Light Saving Day in the States. The one day of the year where I can get an extra hour of sleep. Well after "Hiving Out" and drinking my first act of coffee I decided to make a good breakfast.

I had beef fajitas the other day and had some left overs so I stuffed my omelette with that along with mushrooms and cheese. I also had just one potato which I sliced up and fried. Eggs have to go with bacon or sausage so why not do both, hehe. I toasted a slice of sourdough bread and buttered it than spread some strawberry jam over the top. Super delicious breakfast and I made good use of some leftovers.




Owning a house comes with maintaining your yard. In the fall, we have to deal with a lot of leaves. Since this is the first time tackling leaves I have the choice of mulching them with lawn mower or raking them with rake. Darn right I pulled that starter chord 😂 plus I only have three leaf bags. Well I ran out of gas just as I finished my front yard. Now the lawn mower did the job it looks a lot better. Probably a better look if I had raked it, trust me I'll be doing that a few times before all the trees are bare. I really need to invest in a leaf blower.



I headed to my back yard and raked up a good pile of leaves. I didn't do the whole back yard because I don't have enough leaf bags like I mentioned earlier. As a kid, I use to have so much fun jumping and laying in the leaves. I can remember hiding in piles and than jumping out to scare friends and siblings, haha.


Oh what the heck let me fall on a bed of leaves, haha. It's actually a bit comforting to be honest. Sometimes we have to let the kid out in ourselves 😊


Since I had a little fun let's make it fun for all of you. Here I am holding a field corn cob. I will gift 2 HBD to the first person that can guess what I have in mind for this. Here's a clue, there will be something other than leaves on the ground when I find a use for it. I'll check your answers in a few days. If needed I'll give more hints. Another 2 HBD to the one who has the funniest response. Update Winners Paid out



The day is still young and I headed out to do something I very much like. Here you see where I'm about to enter, a park with a nice size pond. Think I'm going for nature walk? If you think so guess again.


That's right time to get my fishing on. Its a beautiful day here, the temperature got up to 67 degrees Fahrenheit. I tell you a few days ago it was was 10 degrees below freezing. I feel like this will be one of the last days to fish the open water. Hopefully I'm wrong after all I didn't think it would be as warm as it is now.

Some of you may know that sometimes I trade fish with a friend that owns a Sushi restaurant. Today I had the mindset to go "Catching" not fishing. I didn't even pack food for myself so I best get to catching 😂 Well I'm not going to leave you in suspense I did catch some fish today.






Well in total I caught about a dozen fish. I fished for about 2 1/2 hours until my dinner bell went off. I'm pleased with what a caught, some were good size for the type of fish I caught. Just caught two species which were crappie and blue gill. The majority of the pictures above are crappie.

I love fishing in the fall for a few reasons. For one it's not too hot 🥵 Another is nature is so amazing to look at in the fall. The water is cold and so are the fish. I believe the fish taste better as well in the fall. The bite is a little bit different in the fall. Fish tend to take there time once they hit there bait. Meaning once they get there food they don't go racing off. So it's takes a different kind of patience.



Once I was done fishing I texted my friend to see if she wanted some fish. It's probably been six months (maybe longer) since I made a trade with her. As you can see she was happy to be the receipant of some fresh fish.

She held up her end of the deal and delivered. I didn't get to catch up with her because she was busy. I may stop in and visit sometime soon during mid-day to chit chat with her. Maybe I'll do a review article on her place at this time 😊
The sushi and dumplings were delicious 😋 I could only eat about half of what you see. So for lunch tomorrow I will devour the rest.

This is it for this guy. I hope you enjoyed my weekend if not I still did, haha. Take care, be safe and enjoy the week ahead.

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