WE86: If I'm Granted A single Wish I knew Nothing About...


If I'm Granted A single Wish I knew Nothing About...
You're granted only one wish to become the expert in a single thing you currently do not know how to do. What is it and why do you choose that thing? How would it impact your life or others and how would you use your expertise?

This week's topics are somehow difficult as I have been wondering and thinking of the very one to choose as this has put me into a dilemma. After much thought, I wish to go for the last one which is the one above.

If I'm granted a wish to become an expert in the area I'm not good at, I would love to choose medical doctor. This is because I would save lives.

Why did you choose that thing?
To save lives: I chose this field of expertise just because there are so many lives out there to be saved from some kinds of sickness or the other. So, saving lives through this means of being a doctor is the best as you will have the course to become known all over the world.

It will bring you more money since it is an expert: As the name implies, being an expert in this area can fetch you more money. To me, I would love to open more hospitals all over the world since I can have the opportunity to have connections through this means. Expert in medicine is not a joking matter and through this, I can make it great in life.

Recognition: When I have worked extremely to save lives, people would love to know me and the kind of people I have saved. I will be known generally and even have the means to travel all over the world and also would have the opportunity to know all the presidents in the world.

How would it impact your life and the lives of others:
Through this, many people would love to remain glued and try to do what they cannot do better when they see you progressing in the area of expertise which you have chosen. Being an expert in the medical field, others would love to follow your lead and would love to come to the real world of doing things. Since you have the power to create extremely, many people would love to be in the same boat with you.

Impacting the lives of others by bringing more people who do not know about the field to do more in it. How do I make this happen? I have to tell everyone all over the world how I got to the field I'm in right now, which was not initially my field of interest. I would let them know how they can use this field to make more income for themselves.

Now, back to business, since I have that now as my new area of expertise, I have to use it to save lives because I may not want people to see people sick without helping them. I have to move from house to house or instead open health centers in each state and all over the remote part of the world. In doing this people will get saved and I would be able to cure any form of diseases.

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