10k Hive Power, Leisure Weekend Work

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I had a pretty relaxing day of work while in the city. While at work, my account officially crossed the 10k Hive Power threshold!

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So I don't go into too much detail about some parts of my life, mainly my work. This weekend I was able to enjoy a contractor job that I've had off and on for the last several years. The environment is low key and the pay is great so why not? I've been trying to get hours at the place for a while now but one reason or another it just hasn't worked out. Thankfully the stars aligned today and I was able to finally get there to do some work!

One of the other perks about the job in normal times is that it's down in the sea port area of the city of Boston. If you've ever been in the area, it's quite beautiful and there's a lot to do around there. It's also one hell of a nice drive! So off I went to enjoy the time down at the seaport and I took a few snaps of the view from when I was out there.

One of the cool things is this particular section is situated between two pretty awesome things; a cargo ship unloading area and a boat repair dock. The view from the workspace is overlooking the cargo area for the most part but it's cool to see the huge tanker ships that dock and unload their wares in the area. There are some pretty big ass ships that come through! Just ignore that pipe, no matter what I asked, it didn't want to move. The nerve, right?


This is a better view of the place but from the break room. Being in the break room is nice but I like the hustle and bustle of the work area, there's a lot of interesting stuff that goes on!

The area is a really nice drive and place to park, as you can see that pretty expensive, jacked up Nissan Z sitting right there is doing. The spot is pretty good for watching some awesome cars come and go during the warm weather, I did it myself when I had a nice car way back when. Got some pretty cool pictures that probably got lost somewhere but maybe I'll find them someday.


There are these four massive concrete things that I'm not specifically sure what the heck they are but they look cool. Behind it you can see Boston Harbor pretty well. If I get another shift at the place I will go over there and take a picture or two but today it was a long day so I just wanted to get out of there and back to the family. Working remotely is definitely nice since I get to be home with them a lot longer so actually driving to work was a bit odd, particularly for the little one. To the left of all this, you can't see it, but it's the boat repair area. They had a really awesome medical ship there getting fixed up one time that I worked so it was cool to see it, even from a distance. Thing was huge!



The other point of the post was my latest Hive milestone, 10k gross hive power! I haven't gotten to net hive power, which factors in my delegations, but that's okay, I have a little over a month and a half to get there before my original goal of 10k net hive power by the end of the year. Will I be able to get there? I certainly hope so!

One of the really cool things about hitting this goal, besides the bragging rights of course, is each few hundred hive power I gain, the better my votes get to distribute them to more and more people. I recently was able to start voting on comments a little bit and still gain some rewards for doing so. That was pretty cool, I think!

I was hoping to get some data on my voting patterns through Leo Finance's tool HiveStats but it looks like that's still victim of whatever the heck issues are remaining after the hard fork several weeks ago. Shame but oh well, hopefully in early January I'll be able to positively report on this one and see what it's at then!

Here's to Bitcoin mooning over the next few weeks and giving the folks here that have been able to, a chance to make a decent profit on the fluctuation of it and hopefully get some financial independence while doing so, even from something small.

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