Making a change | Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 163


If you could change something about how your parents raised you, what would it be and why?

The influence of parents on their children will always have a lot of weight, whether for good or bad, it is a reality that we cannot ignore. This question has made me reflect although it is a topic on which I have meditated a lot before, of all the things that my parents have taught me in life, one that I definitely would have liked to change is the "employee mentality" that was instilled in me since I was a child.

My dad is the one who appears in the main picture of the post, that was many years ago, he had a difficult childhood where he had to work from an early age, that allowed him to have experience and get jobs in good companies, however he always regretted not being able to study because of the circumstances of that time.

All that context he lived in led him to raise me and my mother in a way in terms of studies and economic future that in my current times is not entirely favorable, why do I say this? Because they are different contexts, at the time my father worked as an employee the situation of the country was very different, at that time you could live on a salary and support your family in a dignified way. When I grew up unfortunately the political situation which brought many vicissitudes to the people, even with a profession the quality of life deteriorated drastically.

Working as an employee

After graduating I began to live the reality of employment and everything I had built in my mind collapsed quickly, despite having a college degree the employment situation when I pursued my career made me realize that trying to live depending on a salary would not be enough, Maybe in other parts of the world where there is a better economy if it is possible but here not so much, which is why there came a time when I decided to change that employee mentality that I received since I was a child, but I had to practically start over, learn new trades and start swimming in a sea of experienced people in the business world, it has not been easy.

Do I blame my father for that? Not at all, no one knows the future, but I am convinced that if I had received a different education in economics I would have been better prepared to face my own responsibilities, I could even have taken advantage of opportunities that do not come twice but if you do not have the knowledge you can hardly notice them.

Now that I am an adult I confess that I would have liked to learn about commerce since I was a child and grow up with that mentality of a trader, I am not saying that I would not have studied because it is a mediocre reasoning, but with a better approach and direction I could have opted for a more related career, one in which I could develop not only inside but outside a company.

Graduating in 2007

In short, you can't change the past, so I can only become a bird and leave the shell in which I was formed once and for all, otherwise as C.S. Lewis concludes in the quote you have placed: "I'll go to waste".

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