A Weekend Date at Heaven's Hamburger, Bogo City

I would love to savor every second of bonding with my son for as long as he is still young before he finds another best friend other than me in his lifetime...

My wonderful greetings to all the amazing people of the Hive! How are you? I sincerely hope that you are all well, happy, and healthy. I will be sharing today another motherhood experience that truly graced my heart and will forever be in my memory. A date with my son will always be a treasured time and I would be honored to share some photos of it.



The place is small but modest located at the heart of this small, progressive city. I went to buy some stuff in the nearby supermarket. Luckily, my son accompanied me, and I decided to drop by to grab something to eat and hang out with my son.




The maximized design and orderliness made the place look spacious from the outside. Fortunately, we were there early so a few customers are coming in and out. However, two crews on duty were very busy preparing the orders for delivery. Still, one of them was able to entertain our orders politely as we came in.


The inside was clean and tiny which I liked the most. The place is air-conditioned too. The wide glass window created an illusion of a wider space with over-looking ornamental plants that added cool effects to the view.


My son got really excited upon seeing the menu. Obviously from the name itself, they were serving hamburgers, but they ventured into other menus available for the customers which I think was a very smart move. As I said, my son got excited and delighted because he saw fries on the menu! I know it's not good for kids his age but what can I say? He just loved it!


They have more other foods on the menu aside from Hamburgers and fries. The prices are neither cheap nor expensive but surprisingly affordable. At my son's request, we ordered Fries with Chicken Nuggets!



The happy face was captured as we waited for our order. (Excited much? haha...) This was another experience that would mark a place in his heart and in mine too. Seeing his happiness reminded me of how blessed I am to have a man half my flesh and blood. Not every weekend that we were able to go out and spend time just the two of us. But every time, I made sure that we could create a memorable experience together.


The food is served...


Tadaah!!! Plain Fries with Chicken Nuggets and Fries 'n Cheese!
A simple snack that gives happiness to the palate, good memories to the mind, and a delightful experience to the heart!



The long wait was over. It's time to eat. I bought a bottle of soda and a bottle of water, too. Before I started to eat, I took pictures of him with whom he enjoyably played along. At that moment, I made him feel that I am not just his mother but also his best friend, a playmate, and a comrade.



He is quite a charmer! My smile and my happy pill. I may think, our sons are the male version of ourselves however they are more precious than any of the female treasures. A mother's love for his son will always be special and relentless.


Weekends are created for us to spend time and create memories with our family and loved ones, especially with our kids. One day, they will eventually grow up and create another life outside our lives as parents. Only then, you will realize that those weekends past were the time for you to make an impact and create a remarkable mark in your children's lives. Time flies fast and past but memorable experiences remain! So, make the most of it with your loved ones, TODAY!

That's the end of my weekend experience, my friends! I hope you find this post worthy of your time. Know that I am genuinely grateful for all the love and support from all of you. I try to return if not more but the same level of love to this amazing community.

This is again @ciadanmea, thank you so much and God bless everyone!

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