Punctuality A Good Virtue. #Weekend-Engagement week 211

Punctuality is a virtue to admire. Not only to admire, it is a virtue to embrace and adopt. Punctuality is the soul of successful business. Punctuality is an ingredient for a life to win respect. Punctuality, in my perspective is a good virtue to reckon with.

This post is my entry for the #weekend-engagement, week 216
I am engaging with the forth topic on the list:

Are you usually late or early? What does punctuality mean to you and how do you feel people perceive it and respond to it?

Am I Always Late Or Early?

I am trying not to be late for my appointments but some of the times, I have been late. I seem to be late more often to programs that I initiate myself and which I am the one in-charge of. Like getting to my workshop where I am the head. My apprentices usually strive to come early so that they could escape the punishment from the mistress 😀. But personally, I usually get to the workshop late except when we have ongoing work in our hands which we must deliver on a specific date.

On occasions where I have an appointment in which I am going to answer another authority (like when I have an interview or to go and defend a proposal for a contract), to such, I have to go early. Punctuality in such times is vital.

The way we attach importance to our appointments and engagements with others determines how we will handle the issues of punctuality. Sometimes, we go late because we think that such isn't a necessity for the appointment. When some appointments look like anytime one go he/she will still make it, we play down on the subject.

Punctuality has an influence on how we treat others when it comes to taking them seriously about keeping appointments and also on the way people take us seriously with keeping appointments. In general, punctuality is a virtue that you and I should have. If we haven't taken punctuality serious, let us change our attitude.

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