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The solution to a stressful week? A good beer, and go for a walk...

I don't know how many times during the course of this week I have repeated the word "stress". Probably hundreds, if not thousands of times? And I am not lying to you, nor am I exaggerating when I tell you that added to the stifling weather from mid-March to the present day (April, 2024) plus the ever depressing monotony of a life that would seem to brook no exciting improvisations, have filled my mind with a rather potent emotional charge. The depth of sleep is not the same: that is to say, it does not repair the tiredness. I accumulate responsibility but with very low energies? It's madness. Honestly, going for a beer and being with a friend is the least I was looking forward to. Here's the story...

And, as you can tell from reading my mood, I'm not usually one of those girls who happily repeats the same thing in a seemingly indefinite way... I don't know if it's a generational thing, or if I'm just a woman different from the rest (I don't think so either). But there is one thing I can't tolerate for too long; and that is being in "automatic mode" doing the same thing unchangingly. On other occasions, I have written about this in this community, and I have even read that I am not the only one who feels a kind of frustration at how grey existence can be on multiple occasions.

But is beer the solution to a monotonous, grey and stressful week as I state in my post? I firmly believe it is. You see, I consider beer to be a very underrated drink. I mean, socially we've all at some point consumed it. But I don't think we've stopped long enough to be able to analyse its impact beyond the merely banal. In my case, the dark, malty type of beer is my favourite. In my country it is not readily available, so that fact impacts significantly on its final price, but you know what? It is worth every blessed penny.

It is a faithful companion. Beyond just refreshing and providing pleasure, it also fulfils an objective: to relax to the max. And no, I am not making an apology for alcohol in these lines, but rather defending my legitimate right to disconnect and really love the small and wonderful pleasures of an existence, which has little to offer you..... Besides, I was accompanied by a friend who is a total genius. A beautiful woman who honestly makes me feel a million times better than I did before I wasn't by her side. Believe me, friendship and refreshing drinks are an excellent combination.

Returning to the plot of the story, each of us was enjoying our beer, while upgrading our existence... Thank God for technology! She currently resides in Boston, and I.... Well, not me, haha. But Google Meet is our shepherd, and we shall lack for nothing.... (please don't be offended. It's a humorous device). Sometimes, the loneliness that is also part of that stage of adulthood that few people really tell you about, can be dispelled quite a bit with special people. And even if we are not physically next to each other, the internet stream makes life less miserable.

So we both love beer above all things. And we were both able to keep each other deserved and beautiful company. She, from a local bar in her new town, and me from one I had to go to, which is nowhere near home. But it was so worth the effort, the money and the heat under an inclement sun. So much was my joy, that it has inspired this post. One that is born out of the weariness of an existence to which I will simply never get used to, but which also provides these experiences, these opportunities. Dark, malty root beer, my friend, the internet, and the feeling of going to bed a little less bitter, and a lot happier than I was before.

All the photographs in this post have been taken by me and belong to me.

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