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A story full of changes: A Friday without a mobile phone...


Can you see my cover photo? Well, it's the starting point of this narrative but also of this, my unusual Friday, crazy but I didn't know I was needing it so much.... And, if you look in my feed, you'll see that in the last month I've been developing stories and tales in that direction; the weariness, the mental fatigue, my iron obstinacy with the repetitive? And one of the least mentioned causes of our dissatisfaction as human beings, at the margins of our lives, is right in front of our eyes... Yes, exactly, the mobile phone, with its apps and fragile and ornamental lives...

I can't, although I would like to try, totally isolate myself from the world and from the benefits of technology and communication these days... However, in my experience, what I find most provoking in my continuous and repetitive (oh, surprise...) use of the mobile phone is precisely anxiety... Curious, no doubt... Because the aim of all the brilliant minds that created the social networks that we all use every day, was never to make us desperate or to turn us into a pile of frustrations that restarts every day... On the contrary, it was to unite friends, people, family, to unite Humanity... This is a good topic, but I will not develop it in this installment.


For some reason, probably linked to the stress of everyday life, I forgot to pay my mobile phone rent, and when I tried to make several calls I could not. For some reason, probably linked to the stress of everyday life, I forgot to pay the rent on my mobile phone, and when I tried to make several calls I couldn't. At first, I thought it was because of the area I was in. At first, I thought it was because of the area I was in. It was a very busy area, full of antennas, noise and sonic pollution. In addition to this, in several sectors of the city, there was also no electricity... In other words, now that I think about it, I don't know to what extent what happened to me was entirely "my choice". If you think about it, everything indicates that I had no other choice... What did I do?

Now what did I do? Well, there's no mystery in the title of this post. I got fed up with my situation on this fateful and stressful day, and I turned off my mobile phone, and luckily I had my camera (digital, from a very long time ago...) and I started to photograph the surroundings... The bus terminal where every day I have to take bus connections to other parts of the city, Chinese and Japanese restaurants that, fortunately, I have only a few blocks away from my house, but that I almost never get to visit... The shop of one of my friends, who is a fan of cupcakes and decorations on cakes and pastries, and who looks like something out of a little girl's dream.


At times I seem to be so on the edge of everything that I forget reality and what surrounds me also deserves attention and admiration. I don't know if in another life I might have been a stray animal or what, but every time I go for a walk, I inevitably end up taking pictures and feeling enormously complete and happy. Just me, peace of mind and without the mind-numbing stress of a life addicted to my mobile phone. It may not seem like much to this community, but I doubt very much that making moderately analogue decisions in a world so compulsive with being interconnected is something that is practised.... And even less so, without reckoning with nature.



All photographs used in this post are my own and belong to me.

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