My participation in the first walk "Revenga 10k".

Last Sunday, June 4, in the framework of the World Environment Day, the first walk called Revenga 10k, sponsored by Team Road Runner, was held with the participation of hikers from the municipality where I live.

The walk covered approximately 10 kilometers and lasted 4-5 hours. We start from
The redoma "Las Banderas", which is the gateway to the Municipality Jose Rafael Revenga up to the Conde footbridge, this sector is a beautiful village, almost 686 meters above sea level.

It was a walk of low complexity, suitable for all runners, both for those with more experience and for beginners looking for a personal challenge, as in my case

Like the vast majority of people I live in an urban area, in a busy and convulsive city where nature does not occupy an important place in everyday life. Nature is more than a place with varied flora and fauna, it is a sacred space, full of vital energy, and that is why I enjoyed this walk to the fullest.

On this hike, confirm that nature is the genesis and the place where all beauty, all mystery and all adventure congregate.

I participated in this hike with my daughter, and with the team to which we belong, my beloved group Band Send Band, needless to say that this wonderful team, all its members love nature in its fullest expression.

When we arrived at our destination, we realized that there was a considerable number of people, all the teams began to take photos, to collect mangoes that were everywhere and to enjoy the river, which by the way its waters were very cold, but it served to cool us down a bit. There were surprise prizes, dance therapy, although evaluating the activity, for the first time they have organized it, it was good,

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