last Route of the Year 2023

(image taken by a hiker Arelis Vicentelli)

On Friday, December 29, our team of hikers made the last route of the year 2023.
We all gathered at the ranger's hut to take a photo before starting this route. Of the 50 members of the Vance van group, 13 of us attended.

(image taken by a hiker Jairo)

Many due to the Christmas holidays had many things to do at home and so it was difficult for them to attend this last route of the year 2023, however the few of us who went chose the longest and most difficult route to enjoy the beauty that the trails of our wonderful city.

For this route and unanimously we chose the path of the eucalyptus is a long route and with a certain level of difficulty the route consists of several sections including the path of the eucalyptus El mirador the trail of wasps the forest the culicross and the viewpoint of the pamate which is our destination there we took some pictures wishing each of us the best for this new year 2024 and that there are new routes to know new trails new roads new friends and more union between us as a team.

(image taken by a hiker Jairo)

During the journey we were recalling everything that happened during this year 2023 of all the routes known of all the moments lived that caused us a lot of laughter of the new members and how they have been improving their physical exercise through these long walks.

(image taken by a hiker Arelis Vicentelli)

While we were taking pictures as a record of our usual routes among so much conversation it was getting very late and while we were going down to our starting point and we were laughing and taking pictures of how beautiful our city looks at night.
We took that moment to bless our city and bless each one of the people that inhabit it including us.

(image taken by a hiker Jennilet Perez)

image of my property)

This last route of the year 2023 was very special because we met beings with a very beautiful energy and vibe that filled the evening with joy, laughter, good energy, optimism and hope.

Today I want to thank you a few hours before the end of this year 2023 for all the moments lived all known friends all the great beings of light that coincided with me and are part of my story all known environments and also all the contribution I gave to nature for allowing me to enter it and fill me with its strength of its energy. Thank you God for allowing me this year 2023 to enjoy your natural work.

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