High School Days: Days I will Never Forget

Hello, my dear friends of the #weekend-experiences community. Before I hit the nail on the head, I would love to first appreciate @galenkp for bringing up this great initiative to make the community a "hot cake", a community where people will create quality content, engage and go home rewarded.

I had the opportunity to view a post about this week's weekend- engagement topics which was reblogged by one of my friends and I promised myself never to miss this week's topics. Wow! The funny aspect of those topics is that I have them covered in this post, hehe. Let's get down to business.

My high school days, are days I will never forget. Back then in high school, I used to go to school from home from year one to year three. In my third year in high school, my parents discovered that I was no longer doing excellently in school, so they decided that I would start to board. That was when my life as a boarding student began.
But before I started living in the dormitory, I had experiences I would never forget. I can never forget those days when it used to rain early in the morning and the whole street would be flooded. My parents who wanted me to excel academically at all costs wouldn't let me stay back from school, so we used to swim our feet in the flood waters.

It was the biggest fun my friends and I had in high school. To walk through the flood waters, we would pull off our shoes and when we got to the sandy area, we would put them on again.

Back then in high school, I was very studious. I was always called "squash", meaning I crushed every textbook in my head, hehe. My school is known for its qualities of discipline and zero tolerance for exam malpractice. So there were strict measures to check any form of bullying, I was never a bully in high school.
I was once very ashamed of myself. What happened, why was I ashamed of myself?
I was seen as unbeatable then in high school, everyone believed I was the best academically, but something happened. A new female student was admitted to my class, she was very intelligent. So when we had our first CAT( Cumulative Assessment Test) she had ten out of ten while I had eight. Then in the second CAT, we tied and in the third we also tied.
Some of my mates began to mock me and some had to bet that the new girl, would take over my usual position in class; first position.
At the end of the term, I came second position in the class, the new girl defeated me and took my usual position. I felt like a failure, despite that those who took third and fourth were rejoicing. Most of my friends who liked me because I was intelligent began to give me a gap. But I recovered from the shame. Do you know how?

There is always an award for the best academically excellent student every year. So I fought to get that award to clear my shame and bring my friends back to me. So in the second and third terms, I came in first position consecutively. I won the award and took back my rightful place. I learned two lessons from that experience. First, I learned that this life is full of competition and second, I learned that one's real friends are those who would stand by the person on his rainy days not just those who put on a smile in your presence.

Another great aspect of my high school days is in sports. I was a social kind back then in high school. I was a versatile kind meaning I was good at soccer, racing and swimming. My friends used to call me "small Ronaldo", some called me "CR8", meaning I am the second Ronaldo (CR7). Back in high school, my school regularly organized an Inter-house sports competition every two years. During this competition, I used to engage in sports like racing and football and I have won many awards and medals. My teachers loved me because I wasn't only good at "books", but I was also good at sports.

My high school days are memorable and I won't fail to share them with my children and young ones.

Thanks for reading.
All the images are mine. This is my entry for the #weekend-engagement topics initiative by @galenkp. You too can join me in the #weekend-experiences community. Check it out here: @galenkp/weekend-engagement-topics-week-215

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