First 14 days Away from Home, Nghe An trip

Good morning, my friend!
What is the event having the most impact on your life?
What was the trip that you knew if you did not do it, you would regret it?
This trip can be one of the best trips I've ever had in my life
This trip changed the way I was thinking, helped me face my fears, and shaped who I am now.

Let's me tell you a short story about this trip

1.Fight for my choice
That was the time I already graduated from high school. I read many books and one of them that inspired me to go is Tony Buoi Sang. From that book, I knew many great people and at the same time, I saw on Facebook of an organic farm need internships. I planned for a long time by saving all money I had to go. I even texted and confirmed to the farm that I would go. But the only thing I did not do was ask my parent's permission. They absolutely worried about me and stopped me to go because they cared about me so much because they were thinking I would be lied to and kidnapped if it was not real. At that time, I was so insistent on my decision even I had a big argument with my family. I knew that if I didn't do it, I would regret it. Then, finally, I was allowed to go but with my Mother's supervision. My first trip was really a struggle at the beginning.


2.Friends became family
I was so excited to go and it took 6 hours by bus to get there. This is the place I have not been and also everything is new to me. Everything was so smooth and I got to an organic farm. I was so shy on the first day I lived in the new place and did not know how to talk with people there because I even did not understand what they were talking about due to their different accents. My mom was relieved when she got there and saw that it was exactly everything I told her. I researched about this place a year ago and I knew what I was doing. My mom was back home on the second day and I felt great after that because though I was quite scared, this time was the best time for me to learn.
Day by day, I worked and cooked with them. They are not my friends anymore, they become my sisters and brothers.

3.Camping in House with a crazy group
I was so shy to talk with new friends there but after adapting to the new environment, I felt so relaxed to be surrounded by them. I might be the least talkative one there but they always encouraged me to talk and fix my mistakes for example when I talked I didn't look at the eyes of people in front of me due to my lack of confidence. They pushed me to speak more and share more. This was the morning we planned to camp but inside. In the morning, I felt so refreshed and accidentally I caught this sunrise which I evaluate might be one of the most beautiful sunrises I have seen in my life. I even made a poem for this special morning. When I was back of "Me time", I was so happy to see the native faces of my friends.




4.The beauty of working
We woke up at 4:30 am every morning and started to work in the early morning to avoid the sun in the middle of the day. I am not a good to cook but I might be a good assistant so I had many chances to taste the delicious food. The photos below were the homemade dumplings and of course, it was so yummy.



We worked hard but we found so much happiness from working together, the conversation of break time, sharing, and supporting each other.


We had fun washing clothes together.
He was so sleepy. haha

Because we are outside many hours in a day so we really appreciated the time we were inside. I was always the slowest one in group and they taught me how to focus and improve the effectiveness and productivity.


5.Hungry in the weekend
We had a day off in the weekend so we went to the market to try local food. The food here is so great and i had happy time with lovely friends.





6.Finish 14 days and start new chapter
I missed all my friends so much and i just wish i could meet them again. Now, each of us has different direction and we live far away but our heart are sill for each other. I am doing the internship to the other farm as well and i know that many challenges are ahead me. I will try my best to work and to learn. Live and learn. Life is worthy to try.

Thank you for reading my little story and i hope you have great weekend.

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