Accepting And Hoping For The Best in My Cousin: Week 214


Well if I could change one thing about someone close to me, it would be my cousin brother. I adore his amazing and caring nature, but there are two aspects that I wish he would improve on.

I wish he would give more attention when engaging in conversations. Sometimes, most times I usually feels like I am talking to a wall, and it's frustrating to not have my thoughts and feelings acknowledged.

I understand that he might be occupied with his own thoughts and worries of life, but a little more engagement and active listening would go a long way in strengthening our bond. I value meaningful conversations and feel that it's essential to connect with each other on a deeper level.


If you want to capture my cousin's attention at some point, you will have to dive into football conversations. Because that's a sure way to get him engaged and I happen not to be a football fan.

I wish he would be more reliable when it comes to agreements. He has a habit of changing his mind frequently, which can be frustrating and unreliable. I believe that when an agreement is made, it's essential to stick to it as much as possible. His inconsistency in this regard has led to misunderstandings and trust issues in the past. I hope he can work on being more committed to his promises and follow through on his commitments.

Despite these areas, my cousin brother is an incredible person, and I cherish our relationship. I hope that he will work on these aspects and become a better version of himself. Doing so our bond will grow stronger and our interactions will become more meaningful and fulfilling.

I am confident that our relationship will continue to flourish as we grow and learn from each other.

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