Have you ever been on a blind date?

Was I? Younger people may be able to answer with promise, for those like me, with a memory clouded by the passing years, it may be harder. I have forgotten so many events in my life that I often wonder if I have been living in a time warp.

This question has been asked to me recently. The idea is not mine, it is part of the set of themes offered by @galenkp, in the #weekend-engagement, for this weekend. Whoever answers yes still has time to share if they read the guide HERE.

Because English is not only not my language but, even more so, has greater mysteries for me than Ancient Egypt does, I turned to the dictionary to make sure I understood the concept...

a social engagement or date with a person one has not previously met:
"a blind date arranged by well-meaning friends" Oxford Languages

I have great satisfaction now, I realized that I understood exactly what "blind date" means, i.e. not necessarily a meeting between blind people!

I'm guessing that anyone who has read this far understands that I was on a blind date, otherwise, it wouldn't make sense to write, or it would be a very short post, definitely the shortest post I could ever make, "No, I wasn't!" If it's still not clear, the answer is that I was just at...

Two blind dates

The first blind date

On the first blind date, the partner didn't show up! If you were to ask the partner, no one came to her date either... which means I didn't show up either. It wasn't our fault. The friends who arranged the meeting chose the meeting point which, unfortunately, were two places with the same name in Bucharest, the city where the story happened.

Of course, of course, that's the only word to use, of course, each of us chose the other meeting place... where we waited for a while and then, vowing never to attend such a meeting again, we each went home angry.

We had well-determined mutual friends. They insisted and managed to convince us to give it another try. I think we both needed one more try...

This time our friends were sure that each of us understood well the meeting place and time, at the University, the classic meeting place for young people in Bucharest, but not at the clock, the most used place, instead in front of a small flower shop!

The second blind date

The second blind date happened a week later at the above-mentioned place. A small flower shop on a busy boulevard.

Like any young man who wanted to be well-mannered and polite, I arrived at the meeting half an hour early.

Now I have to confess that I had no confidence in this kind of arranged and unknowing dating. I expected the worst. That's why I didn't even bring flowers with me, with the idea that if the person I was going to meet would be far from my expectations, at least she wouldn't know who was waiting for her and I would... run away!

I can't tell you how hard the wait was! More than half an hour because in good female tradition, the lady I was waiting for was late too.

Can you imagine how many times I've been on the heights of joy or down under, passing by dozens of girls of all kinds, from the Hollywood star type to the ... forest girl type! Now, when I remember those moments, I think I've found the cause of the problems I have with my heart, my arrhythmia.

Long story short (a phrase I've learned here in Hive, where I've encountered it in many posts)... this blind date happened!

A young lady with long hair, and big eyes (but also a nose) walked past me, not looking left or right. I knew instantly it was her!

In a few months, we will be 45 years married.

P.S. At the end of last month I turned six years old here on this social and blogging platform, of course, I started with S... and now continue with H...

Related to the topic of today's post I can say that starting six years ago I had countless blind dates here. I see and interact with a lot of people here that I don't know if they are who and what they claim to be. Most of them sit behind an avatar and I don't know if I'm entering into a dialogue with a man, woman, or child who is amused by my blindness caused by them.

Lest I be misunderstood I say now that I am not judging anyone and believe that everyone has good reason to hide their identity and private life... except some don't and I am glad I know them, as there was no need for blind dates!


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