Yes, I like them older!

"If you're a woman and want to date younger men, don't hesitate, there are many good men out there waiting for you."

Betty White


I took this photo on the celebration of the Centenary of Ifigenia one of the prominent feminist novels from Venezuela. Listening to this Professor talk about the novel made me remember all the things I love from older women. Her speech was amazing!

Hello there, full-time weekenders!

To start off, I prefer them older. Yes, you can quote me on that.

Anyways, there seems to be a thing on me about attracting older women and being attracted to them. It haven't dated a lot of older women, but that has to do more with being in a state of not dating until my finances are ok and I have some degree of stability on that side of my life.

Older women know things. They love to teach. And they tend to have gone through those years of self-entitlement without any experience. They are more in tune with their emotions and have learn how to communicate properly and how to manage their feelings in a better way. Granted not all women do this properly, some women who are older than myself are a example of charm, elegancy, emotional responsibility and knowledge.

Yes, all things to get a metaphoric and literal hard on.

I think this all begins with some flirting games from moms that were friends of my mom. They might have been joking about calling me handsome and other things, but I think that's what have given me some shred of confidence when talking to women older than me. It isn't like women my age who were all looking for older men and richer men. Yes, looking for the established life. I don't judge them, but talking to them tends to be on a superficial scale. Having a deep conversation with references and arguments is a far more interesting prospect.

Besides, I think that dating older women gives you some interesting insight about life. In a society where age is still a valuable thing, giving it the chance to go out of the norm and get to know someone who has lived longer and can actually teach you some lessons by experience (and some good tricks in bed as well wink wink), has the potential to make you a better person.

It's not for naught that in the archetype of the Journey of the Hero there's always a wise older lady than teaches him some things to keep going around in life.

Also, when you're younger than your partner you don't tend to pay attention to some aspects regarding formation. I mean I could say that many older men would have a harder time dating women who have studied more than them. It might not be some that happens all the time, but I remember Professors at college telling stories about this. It was a shame. I had lots of very amazing Professors. Beautiful, intelligent and that excelled in anything they did. That may be scary to some people. However, since I've always been cool being around older people, it's not something strange to be around humans who know a lot more than myself since they have lived more years and have done more.

Writing this makes me understand why I had such a bad time at college with classmates who didn't take part in classes. They were just there taking space and adding nothing to the experience. Whereas dating an older woman puts you in a place of learning and having a freedom to make mistakes and learn from an environment of love.

If you ask me, that's better than being around girls thinking on how much you have and else. Of course, not all girls my age are like that. But as far as I can tell, all girls my age are taken. So, that's another important part of having no problem dating older women. 😅

About the actual age, I could not tell. However, any women who has the power to make me doubt about things I've known my entire life and teach me something new way of thinking for sure has a chance. Besides, there's some manner of elegance that is only learned with time and patience like fine wine become better inside its bottle.

  • Photos 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 13)
  • Editing 🎬: by me, made with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

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