WE 100 - memories of WE 67

I guess one of the first names a newbie meets here on hive are such as @galenkp @dswigle or @tarazkp and so did I. It didnt take long time, when I joined hive 9 months ago, that I found Galens Weekend Engagement and I really liked it from the beginning.

What I like most are those kind of questions, you mostly can dive deep into yourself to find an answer for. Althoug I love to write a whole post on these great topics we get presented, I personally prefered the commenting thing, because it also was a way to meet more new people and it was more fun. I am not sure, but I think the way it is now, nobody can easy read through all the weekly posts and the comments on these posts?

But I also like the questions for making good contest postings and seing the quality of most WE posts shows, its a good oportunity for everyone to improve their blogging skills.

Did you ever try to go 8-9 months back in time to search for a specific posting, Galen wrote? Haha, good luck!
But I finaly found what I was looking for:

Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

At this time the WE was still in the comment format and the question has been: "What three things are important to you and explain your answer"



At that time I was a newbie through and through, I think I even didnt finish my first month on the chain. And of course as a newbie I was so proud to get this acceptance and friendly words, I remember it very well!

Wich brings me to those questions of WE 100:

"Doing it differently / Going back to the start"

Nope, I wouldnt and probably I shouldnt do something different, if I could go back to the start! (except I would tell me, hey Beeb, when the hive goes high it makes sense to put something into HBD ... okay, but this is not our WE topic I guess, dealing the financial aspects is something I still have to learn a lot)

I simply had so much luck joining here! Meeting the right people from the beginning, finding help and support in the first days. Now as I am a little acitve in Ecency discord, I always wonder about the starting troubles so many people have. But probably it turned out so good for me because of the help I got.

It also was Galen, who told me, not to worry too much about my english skills. This still is one of my big hurdles on the chain, especially when I look at antoher of this weeks prompt:

"Engagement on Hive"

I see, or at least I hope, my english gets better and better. But when it goes into reading long textes or diving into a deeper conversation, I still see myself struggeling. Compared with my german speaking HIVE friends, I feel it still is a challenge for me.

I have to admit, the more i grow on the chain, the more I loose track on the people I met and appreciate. This for sure is something I really have to work on, although I dont know how by now.
Now I also get more and more comments on my postings, but often also loose track on answering all.

This is definitely one of the things, where I have to improve myself!

So most of the time I write my whole textes in german, than use deepl and look over it to find the biggest faults the translater makes. Most of the time I make bilingual postings too, because I dont want to excluse some german speaking people, whose english isnt very good.

Many people dont really like bilingual postings, and to be honest ;-) I also dont like them, except they are english / german or french, the languages I understand. Somebody also told me, I should start to write the posts direct in english language, but I am still not sure about this.
So now for this post at the moment I decided to just write it in english without translator, but I always feel, there is missing something. I surely express myself in a deeper way when I write in german.

Wich now brings me to one point I really want to criticise:

Due to the rules for the WE it is not alowed to post bilingual and this for sure is something, I dont really like. Why not make a propper written bilingual post on the topics with one of the languages in English?
There could be included the rule to not mix up the languages, just make one language part and clear cut to the second language part. Haha, but it will not keep me away from joinin in from time to time if it shall be english, you get english ;-)

Congrats to 100 Weekend Engagements dear Galen and I am really looking foreward to your next 100 questions :-)

Finaly greetings from Austria with a photo wich for me will be forever connected with Galen and the Weekend Engagement:


all words, photos and screenshots by @beeber

Now going back to the lines I wrote, I see next time I will go back to write german and than translating, because I cannot come in my writing flow otherwise.

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