Bringing colour to my life

I like being alone, I get so little time to myself that it becomes an event, even should I not have much to do or anything planned; it's actually better when I don't if I'm honest. I'm so busy, run off my feet mostly, so when I get a chance to hit pause on everything I take it and make the most of the time.

Yesterday was one such day, glorious aloneness, and I had nothing planned.

bm pen2.jpg

I took this image

My guy went out early, before I got out of bed, however not before bringing in a tray with a pot of tea and toasted bread for my breakfast. Orange pekoe tea was his selection, and there was a little dish with orange marmalade to spread on my toast...I saw what he did there, the orange theme, which I thought was cute; he was quite proud of his breakfast coordination. He kissed me and was gone for the day.

I'll not list everything I did although I had a beautiful and relaxing day of doing only those things I chose to do.

There was reading, playing with my lovely little cat, a decadent early afternoon bubble bath and some colouring among a few other things.

There's a certain calmness that comes from colouring. It's the scratching of the pencils on the paper, the concentration that comes without the need for thought, repetitiveness of my movements and the lovely result that comes at the end. I sipped tea, coloured, listened to music softly playing in the background and revelled in the time I had to simple be Becca.

I had all day to myself, my guy didn't get home until around dinner time.

He'd sent a message to let me know he'd make dinner; something special he'd said. I knew that was code for him going somewhere and buying our meal. I also knew he'd argue that he, made it [happen], and that was the same as, making it himself, he's predictable in that way, dependable, and I love his cheeky side. I let him have his moment, he deserves it.

We ate dinner, Thai food, and began to discuss the evening's festivities. A movie was what we'd decided to begin the evening.

I know this day doesn't seem like much or maybe very exciting to others, however with what's going on in my life right now, the pressures I'm under, my partner too, it was a day I really needed. The peace and quiet and simple things allowed me to shut my brain down a little, and the lovely meal "made" by my guy and a movie later...I knew the evening would be comfortable too, and it was.

It was a lovely day and one that brought a little colour to my life.

Becca 💗

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