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Hi, friends, one more time we have interesting topics to write about for Week-End Engagement Writing Topics. Thank you @galenkp This week I choose write about frogs but it’s not about a princess kissing a frog who It’s becoming a prince, no, it’s about a Mark Twain’s quote and a strange work I would not like to do:

What does this quote mean to you and how can you apply it's true meaning to your life with positive results?

➡️ "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first." - Mark Twain

First thing I want to say about Mark Twain’s quote is that I like the way he expresses what he wants to say. He really knew how to use language in a figurative sense, saying something but looking for saying something more that you have to interpret. I like that. He challeges you, he writes to sting your intelligence. I appreciate so much that kind of writers. Not always a writer challenges you. Not that way.

In the other hand, when you read that kind of quotes you know the meaning is behind the words, you have doubts, you know. Your first reaction is “what did he want to say?” Because, in spite of some persons like eating frogs legs, most of us we don’t eat that kind of menu. We prefer hamburgers, chicken, salads, eggs. But not frogs. We imagine frogs swimming in a puddle which is not clean .


I don't want to eat frogs
Photo was taken with my mobile phone camera

Well, I will tell you what I understood reading Mark Twain’s quote: Sometimes in life you have to do some things you don’t like (eating a frog), so, just do it, as soon as you can (early in the morning). Postponing something you don’t want to do it will not be easier. And if you have to do two things that you don’t like, It’s better to do first the worst (“And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.") In spanish we have a similar quote: “Hurry up to the bad step”.


I don't want to eat Frogs they live in dirty puddles
Photo was taken with my mobile phone camera

I will be honest, in spite of I know that Twain’s quote is a wise sentence, sometimes I procrastinate when I have to do something I don’t like, how to make the accounts. Since I was a child I have not been good with mathematics. Could be very bad for you, I know. Recently, I’m changing my attitude about that. I’m trying to make accounts often in spite I don’t like. I don’t eat this frog early in the morning but I’m trying to do it at evening. So, it’s better eating a frog fast once in a while if you have to do it.


Sometimes you have to eat frogs Sometimes you have to kiss frogs No way
Photo was taken with my mobile phone camera

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