Week 146: When I knew better

Growing as a teenager i thought i'm old enough to be independent and take decisions on my own, at that stage i don't want to be corrected i just want to live my life the way it pleases me and when things didn't go my way i pick offense. My friends do tell me of how they took their parents money to buy clothes and other unnecessary things but because i wanted to feel among, i wanted to boast of what they are boasting of i couldn't see the evil in what they were doing and instead of correcting them i made plans on how to join the clique of the school so called big girls.

My parents are strict when it comes to money related matter, i knew this myself but because i wanted to enjoy the freedom other girls are enjoying i forgot the morals my parents inculcated in me from childhood. One faithful day, the leader of the clique of big girls proposes a suggestion to get the latest reigning sexy gown in town and all the girls supported her suggestion, i don't want to be left out so i quickly said to them "i'm getting that gown too". These girls already know how they go about getting money to buy all these things unlike me who was a novice, this particular gown is to be worn to a classmate's birthday party, a partyi knew i wouldn't be attending but yet i wanted to get the gown.

On this faithful afternoon, my mother was out i went to her room opened her wallet and picked the sum of #2,500, i took it to school and i made payment for the gown not knowing my younger sister saw me. My mother asked each one of us how the money got missing but i denied and claimed i know nothing about it while i am aware that if the truth should be known i will regret taking such action for the rest of my life. My parents filed myself and three of my other siblings out for punishment yet i didn't speak up until my younger sister who could no longer withstand the pain of stooling down for almost an hour spoke up and told them she saw me taking some money out of my mother's wallet it was then i realised i am in for trouble.

With anger,my father raised me off the ground with the traditional cow skinned cane he was holding,i immediately vomitted out the truth which didn't stop him from beating me. That day, he beat the independent spirit out of me and since then i became a reasonable teenager which i've always been way before i thought of becoming independent. That moment i knew i shouldn't have done that but i did anyways just to proof i can do what others are doing . I wished i had guide my thoughts right then before landing myself into trouble.

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