It had been a calm day at the hospital till about 4:45pm when I heard the sirens of an ambulance as it approaches the Hospital. I knew I was in for it. They've just brought in some patients who were involved in a road traffic accidents. Why this hospital??, why now when I'm almost done with my shift??, I have my first date ever scheduled for 7:30pm.


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I just met Sandra through a recommendation by a common friend. I've really not been lucky with ladies may be because I'm shy or because I'm not the romantic type. I think its because of the busy nature of my job but i have to give this a try.

We've been chatting through WhatsApp in the last one month. I only have an idea of how she looks like via video call which happened just twice. The filter of the picture on her DP hasn't been helpful either. I've been busy all day thinking about how she'll really look like and how the date will go.


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My phone rang, I thought it was the emergency unit calling me to get prepared for the incoming patients. It was actually Dr Paul. I'm meant to hand over to him by 5pm so I can be on my way and enjoy my Friday evening with Sandra. Why is he calling me?? A lot was going through my mind. Hello chief! (That's how we fondly address each other)Hello! I replied in anticipation of what he's about to say. I'm so sorry, I'll be a bit late to work. There's a heavy traffic on the way. I'll soon be there..... I'm not sure I heard the last part of his statement as alot ran through my mind.

I didn't even know how to reply. As far as the hospital is concerned, I can't leave till he gets here. Wait, did he say traffic? I'll actually take the same route to my house to get freshened up and change my clothes. I had planned to wear my new wine blazer with its black trouser and well styled waist coat. I got it for a cousin's wedding about 2 months ago. I was actually his best man that day. I should still be able to make it to my date after all, I have my clothes, shoe and other accessories set before I left my apartment in the morning. This among many other things were going through my mind as I received Dr Paul's call. I noticed I started sweating despite the AC working at 16°c and I was just on my scrub which is relatively light. I ended the call without uttering a word.

I heard a knock on the door and I knew that was from the emergency unit. Its 4:50pm already. I opened the door. Your attention is needed at the emergency sir....The nursing assistant said. I didn't say a word and just followed him. I evaluated the scene quickly and triaged the patients. They were all relatively fine with some bruises. All five of them aside a middle aged man who sustained a laceration injury to his right forearm. This will need some stitches I said to him as I was gowning up to commence the procedure. He tolerated it well and Dr Paul met us nearly at the end of the procedure. I quickly finished up and dressed the wound as I was handing over to Dr Paul verbally. I rushed back to the office to change from my sweaty scrub and pick up my belongings. Alas, its 6:15pm as I checked my phone. My heart skipped a beat as I dashed out of the hospital in a hurry. As if that was not enough, getting uber to take me home was challenging as it is rushing hour already not to talk of the traffic congestion on the road.


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Thank God I've booked for a table a day before at Cafe crystalis with plans made for us at their VIP subsection to prepare us a delicious Ofada Rice and Ayamase sauce amongst other things. She has always wanted to have Ofada rice at Cafe crystalis from our chat and I thought that would be perfect for the occasion.

I got home around 7pm and i quickly showered and get dressed. I ordered a taxi to the venue but her call came through as I was about entering the taxi. Wait, is she there already?? But its just 7pm. Oh my God!!! I just remembered. We actually fixed 7pm and not 7:30pm. The plan was to spend 1hour together and for her to be back at her parent's by 8:30pm. I think my heart literally paused here. I just messed up big time, I said to my self. It would have been better if I know I'll get there soon but I know it will take me nothing less than an hour due to the traffic. I missed her call 2 times, sat down in the taxi and was thinking of what to do next.

I summoned courage to call her back and I could feel the disappointment in her voice as she said hello. I tried to narrate how my day went and where I was and promised to meet up in 30mins. You know thats unlikely and I have to leave here by 8pm so I can get home by 8:30pm as planned, she said. Anyways I'll wait till then and see if you'll make it here she added.

I knew I just blew away my chance to meet her. Is there still any hope of dating her??
I quickly added that if I didn't make it there on time, she should get her portions of the planned meal and drinks as take home which she agreed to. My money will not waste at least... I thought to my self.
That was the last time i heard from Sandra. I couldn't even make it to the venue as I had to turn back by 9pm due to the heavy traffic. I got back to my apartment by 10:30pm, tired and exhausted. Is it the money for the table and meal reservation I'll think about or my nice outlook that got wasted.

Anyways, shit happens, life goes on. May be I'll be luckier next time. If I may ask, was it really my fault???.

This is my entry for @galenkp the date posting contest.
Thank you for reading.

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